Hever Parish Council is willing to consider local-community groups to use Hever parish field for their events.
Permission from the Parish Council must be sought and received. Please contact the clerk at least 2 months in advance of the proposed event. Please note that the field is maintained at considerable expense by HPC and is regularly used by the school and locals for activities.
The following terms will be applied when considering whether or not to grant permission:
1. The group seeking to hold an event on the parish field must have insurance cover in place relating to the event they wish to hold.
2. The Parish Council reserves the right to withdraw permission if, in the opinion of the Parish Council, the weather is too wet and the use of the field in such conditions would damage it and permission will be withdrawn.
3. The group holding an event is responsible for any damage caused to the parish field or to equipment on it and they are liable for the costs of making good such damage e.g. ruts in the ground.
4. The event must not create too much noise which could be a nuisance to local residents.
5. Permission may be refused if the event clashes with other activities in the village.
6. Permission may be refused if holding an event would mean that the centre of Hever was too crowded given the limited availability of parking for cars.
7. The use of the field solely as a car park will NOT be permitted unless by prior agreement and subject to guarantee that users have a nominated car park attendant. If vehicles are required on the parish field (e.g. to set up a fete / display) the organiser is responsible for ensuring that they do not endanger any other concurrent users of the field e.g. at the picnic tables, on the play equipment.
8. The organisation/group holding the event must show that the event will be of benefit to the local community.
9. The Parish Council’s decision on whether or not to grant permission to use the parish field is final.
10. If permission to use the parish field is granted by the Parish Council the group seeking that permission agrees to the above terms and conditions.
11. Permission will only be granted after the Parish Council has received written consent to the above terms and conditions from the organisation/group seeking permission to use the parish field.
Permission should be sought by contacting the Parish Clerk by email: clerk@hever.org