If you would like to see a contact added or edited, please contact us.
CHAPS (Chiddingstone Amateur Players), Dennis Ward, 01732 700185, dennis.ward.57@gmail.com
Clay Pigeon shoot,
Drake Oil Syndicate, John Hodson, 01733
Eden Valley Artists Mary, 01732 864203, info@edenvalleyartists.com, www.edenvalleyartists.com
Eden Valley Museum, 01732 868102, curator@evmt.org.uk, www.evmt.org.uk
Edenbridge & District Rifle Club, John Lord, 01732 862513
Edenbridge Fuschia and Pelargonium society, Julie Jones-Ellis, 01892 870931
Edenbridge Historical Society, Chrissie Minahan, 01732 865634, www.evmt.org.uk
Edenbridge Strollers, Ian Falkner, 01732 864762, www.edenbridgestrollers.org.uk
Edenbridge Town Council, https://www.edenbridgetowncouncil.gov.uk/
Edenbridge Voluntary Transport Service, 01732 865353, admin@evts.org.uk
Falconhurst Cricket Club, Charlie Whitmore, honsec@falconhurstcc.co.uk, www.falconhurstcc.co.uk
Forge Singers, Secretary, 01883 717340
Four Elms Darts Club,
Four Elms Fete Committee, Louise Nightingale, l.b.nightingale@btinternet.com
Four Elms Modern Sequence and Old Tyme Dance Club, Judy Cutler, 01732 866916
Four Elms Parish Rooms, Four Elms Primary School manages the Parish Rooms – 01732 700274
Four Elms Primary School PTA – via Four Elms Primary School – 01732 700274
Four Elms Short Mat Bowls, Jill Lambert, 01732 862976
Four Elms Stool Ball Club, Mrs M Steer, 01732 700560
Four Elms Village Hall, Pat Leigh, 01732 700514
Friends of Hever School, Debbie Condon, 01732 867170
Friends of St Peters Hever, Mollie Brudenell, 01732 863086
Hever Bell Ringers, Jane Rosam, 01732 868085
Hever Bullen WI, Jan Tolfree, 01342 850206
Hever Circuit Training, Frank Di Mauro, frank@kentonfrank.com
Hever evensong Choir, Penny Mendelssohn, 01732 862865
Hever Horticultural Society, Trudy Weaver, 01342 850567
Hever Parish Mens Breakfast Club, Bryan Walters, 01342 850250
Hever PCC, Wendy Izod, wendy.izod@btinternet.com, www.3spires.org.uk
Hever Residents Association, Jan Ryan, 01732 864168, http://www.hever-ra.org.uk
Hever Table Tennis,
Hever Village Hall, Jan Ryan, 01732 864168
Hever women’s Breakfast Club, Jill Linden, 01342 850836
Link Magazine, Joanna Wade, Bridget Harris, Paul Houlton, thelink@hever.org
Mark Beech Village Hall, Mrs Paige, 01342 850328
Neighbourhood Watch, Jane Burke, 01342 850570, jtbnightingales@aol.com, www.westkentwatch.com
Penshurst Amateaur Dramatics Soc. (Pads), Jan/ Jerry Ryan, 01732 864168
Pilates Chiddingstone Causeway Parish Room, Emma Daruthy, 07530857613
Pilates Four Elms Village Hall, Ricardo Rampat, ricardomassage@btinternet.com
Police (Non-urgent)
I am now your local Police Community Support Officer covering Edenbridge and the surrounding villages.
If there are any issues that you would like to speak to me about I can be contacted via email simon.humphreys@kent.pnn.police.uk
Rail Users Club, Geoff Brown, 01732 862604
RNLI Edenbridge Branch, Andew Varney, 01732 863826, www.rnli.org
Royal Bristish Legion, 01732 863628
Sevenoaks District Council http://www.sevenoaks.gov.uk
St Peters Choir, Penny Mendelssohn, 01732 862865
St Peters Church, Hever Rev Jane Weeks, 01732 862249, www.3spires.org.uk
Sunday School, Sarah & Patrick Heaps, 01342 850469
WKHA coffee at Four elms Village Hall, Audrey Batchelor, 01732 749908