Covering the villages of Four Elms, Hever & Markbeech

Author: Lisa Cowell

The HRA Scarecrow Competition has been extended to 8th September

You now have until 8th September to enter

All you have to do is:

1. Make a Scarecrow and put it outside your house by 8th September
2. Tell us you have entered by emailing your name, your Scarecrow’s name and your address to
3. Vote for your favourite Scarecrow at the phone box on Uckfield Lane or email hra@hever.orgVoting will start on the 12th September and finish on the 22nd September.

Winners will be announced at the SCARECROW PARTY!!! to be held at Hever Village Hall
Sunday 29th September 3 – 5pm


Theft at St. Paul’s Church, Four Elms

During the past week, we are not sure when as it is open on a daily basis from morning to early afternoon, our beautiful Church was robbed.

The brass ornate pulpit rails were removed from the stone stairs, a hanging candelabra in the sanctuary, fortunately one was left, and two silver plate flower vases were stolen.   Likewise, probably the water from the vases was strewn over the altar kneeling cushions leaving them badly marked.  If you know anything about this incident would be please contact:

Kent Police 01622 690690 Incident Ref: 17-0575


You may query why the Church is left open each day. It is the policy of the PCC and Rochester Diocese that our Church is an open door to anyone and everyone.   It was founded over 100 years ago as “The Little House of Goodwill” and it remains so to this day.   Its interior decorations are considered, by academic Art Historians, to be a great example of the Arts and Crafts movement, founded by William Morris. All were gifts by generous residents of Four Elms Village and we are saddened that such a robbery has occurred, the first to our knowledge, at this time.

We continue to welcome all who wish to enter our beautiful Church and while “things” may have been stolen the heart of the Church is in good repair.


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