Covering the villages of Four Elms, Hever & Markbeech

Category: Latest News (Page 2 of 18)

The Local Housing Needs Survey is now open

RACE & Sevenoaks District Council are working with Hever Parish Council to undertake a housing needs survey in the parish. The survey aims to gauge the need for affordable housing across all age groups. We’re also exploring if older homeowners need to downsize or require more suitable housing. Your input shapes housing solutions for everyone. Let’s ensure affordability for all stages of life!

All households in the Parish should have received a postcard about this.

You can use this link to complete the survey online

You can get a paper version of the survey from the Parish Clerk, Rachael Turner, by calling 07784 912645 or emailing: – a pre-paid envelope will be included to enable you to return your completed survey.


Housing Survey Poster Hever

Funding Available from Gatwick Airport Community Trust

There is currently Grant Funding available from Gatwick Airport Community Trust  for local groups and projects.  There is a deadline of 31st March for applications, so there is not that long to apply. Please do share this with any groups you may feel could benefit from it.

For information the Trust will support the following priority categories:

  • Development of young people
  • Art projects including amateur drama, music, art
  • Sporting facilities
  • Environmental improvement and conservation
  • Improvements to community facilities such as village halls
  • Support for the disabled
  • Support for the elderly
  • Encouragement of additional volunteering or giving in the area

To apply please visit:

Support Guide from SDC

Here for you is a guide to support that might be able to help you, including with the increased cost of living, from Sevenoaks District Council.

We know it is a difficult time for everyone with the rise in the cost of living. In this leaflet you can find useful websites, organisations and advice to help you with rising costs. There’s support available both locally and nationally for a wide range of issues.

Here for you – February – March 2024

Litter Picks – Saturday 23rd March 2024

Keep Britain Tidy

Several community Litter Picks have been arranged across the Parish on Saturday 23rd March. Come and join in!  It is good fun, with free refreshments and great exercise. If possible, please bring own gloves and wear appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear.  Hi visibility vests and litter pickers can be provided, however if you have your own please do bring them.


Litter Pick details are as follows:

Four Elms Village Hall – Saturday 23rd March 9.30 am

Hever Village Hall – Saturday 23rd March 9.30 am

Markbeech Village Hall – Saturday 23rd March 1.00 pm

Any queries, please contact


Bulk Refuse Freighter – Saturday 10th February 2024

08:30 – 09:00 Four Elms Village Hall
12:15 – 12:45 Hever Bottle bank area behind Henry pub in coach car park
13:00 – 13:30 Markbeech Village Hall

The Freighter cannot accept white goods, washing machines, dishwashers, fridges, freezers, cookers, cast iron boilers or baths, long metal poles, building materials, manure, large parts of engines or vehicles or hazardous waste or compostable garden waste.

Hazardous waste now includes items like fluorescent tubes, televisions & computer monitors, batteries, oil tins and filters, paint and paint tins and chemical containers. These items cannot be accepted on the Saturday Freighter service and must be taken to your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Please do not leave any rubbish unattended. Please DO NOT arrive early or leave items on site, otherwise will be classed as fly-tipping and information passed to the police, thank you.

This is a service free to residents, funded by Hever Parish Council and provided by Sevenoaks District Council.


Notice of Vacancy In Office of Councillor

Hever Parish Council – Four Elms Ward


in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

If by 1 February, 2024 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Proper Officer at the address below by TEN electors for the said Parish Ward, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 8 April, 2024.

Dated 12 January, 2024

Dr Pav Ramewal

Proper Officer

Sevenoaks District Council

Council Offices

Argyle Road



TN13 1HG


Comment now on local housing and development needs – Plan 2040 consultation closes Thursday 11th January

Have your say now! The deadline for comments is midnight on Thursday 11th January 2024. Comment on Sevenoaks District Council’s draft Local Plan, which includes proposals to meet the District’s future housing and development needs, some of it on local Green Belt sites.

Sevenoaks District Council is working on ‘Plan 2040’, a new Local Plan, which sets out what can be built and where over the next 15 years.

Plan 2040 will help to deliver much needed new homes, including affordable homes, while promoting residents’ health and wellbeing and protecting the environment, including the overwhelming majority of the Green Belt.

While Plan 2040 proposes to make the best use of land within existing built up areas, the Council faces a big challenge as the Government has told the Council the District needs 10,680 new homes from 2025 to 2040.

As the Sevenoaks District is 93% Green Belt, the third highest proportion in England, the Council has to consider a limited number of Green Belt sites to meet the District’s future housing and development needs.

The sites under consideration are in the most suitable locations, close to existing settlements, transport and services. Some are on poorly performing Green Belt, such as land that may already have been built on.

Local people can comment on Plan 2040 from Thursday 23 November 2023 until midnight on Thursday 11 January 2024 at The site includes information, Plan 2040 Summary leaflet and consultation video.  You can also view Plan 2040 at local libraries, town or parish council offices and Sevenoaks District Council’s offices.

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