The deadline for you to register and make initial comment on the Gatwick Consultation is 29th October 2023. Please sign up o have your say: The link to the registration page is here
Gatwick have proposed to replace the standby runway with a full second runway. If this happens capacity at Gatwick will be as busy as Heathrow. This will have a huge impact on the area.
As a Parish Council we are concerned the impact this will have on the area we live in and have objected to the application and the significant damage and impact it will have on the Parish and beyond. There are great concerns regarding noise and pollutants, on HPC residents and on the AONB environment around us, in addition to the potential impact on housing, employment and infrastructure as well as the wider environmental considerations.
We urge you to register and make comment. You can do this anytime from now up until 29th October 2023. The link to the registration page is here
At the time of registering, you must include your initial comments on the proposal. These must be about what you consider to be the main issues and impacts and include anything that may affect your day-to-day life. Once registered you are then able to submit further comments. The GAAC website has some useful information regarding wording. Please visit