Due to the premature closure of the Gatwick consultation, the Planning Inspectorate has now extended the period for submitting your views until 23:59 on Sunday 19th November 2023. Please see the message below from the Planning Inspectorate on how to do this:
As you will be aware, due to a technical fault with the Planning Inspectorate’s online Relevant Representation form, users were not able to make submissions on the final day of the representation period. The fault has now been resolved, and we apologise for any inconvenience this caused.
As a result of the premature closure, the Applicant has extended the period for submission of Relevant Representations until 23:59 on Sunday 19 November 2023. You can submit a representation and register as an Interested Party by navigating to the project webpage of the National Infrastructure Planning website: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/south-east/gatwick-airport-northern-runway/.
If you previously submitted a representation via email due to the website fault, you will need to resubmit this via the online form by the above deadline in order for it to be valid.
If you have already submitted a representation via the form, please do not resubmit it unless we have contacted you directly about your submission.
If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 to request a paper form. Please note the deadline above for receipt of the completed form by the Planning Inspectorate. For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination. You can also check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.