An update from Hever Parish Council.
We held our most recent meeting on the zoom internet platform on 23rd July, when issues such as the speed limit in Four Elms (How Green / Bough Beech road areas) was discussed (at the request of a local resident), the volunteer scheme, Four Elms pond and other topics. Thanks to the wonder of modern technology, 2 locals were able to join the meeting via their laptops and one Councillor even managed to sign in and contribute whilst on the commute home. Draft minutes will appear on local noticeboards, Facebook and the website ( soon.
The Clerk was happy to report that £500 grant had been secured from a Tesco Covid fund. For any local groups who are looking for grants, please do register for
and contact the Clerk for any support
Our next meeting is Tuesday 22nd September, Hever village hall, 7pm planning and 7.30pm for full council meeting. As always, everyone most welcome and please monitor for latest Agenda.
We have a vacancy in the Four Elms and Hever ward of the parish – so if you are interested in this positive role please contact
We hold 6 meetings a year (early evenings across the villages) and are a friendly bunch supported by the employed Clerk who deals with the finances, processes and administration of the Council.
Planning news;
From Sevenoaks District Council (The Planning Authority) Article 4 Directions – Newhouse Farm Lane, Hever (near Edenbridge)
Certain types of development, subject to some conditions, do not require full planning permission from us. These are called permitted developments.
An Article 4 Direction can be used to remove specific permitted development rights in all or parts of the Sevenoaks District.
We have become aware of a piece of land that is being marketed north of Newhouse Farm Lane, Hever and it has been considered necessary to introduce an Article 4 Direction.
There is a Direction removing permitted development rights for gates, fences and walls; means of access to a highway; temporary buildings and structures and temporary use of land. This has immediate effect.
This Direction will come into force on Thursday 30 July 2020.
There is a Direction proposing to remove permitted development rights for the use of land as a caravan site and this does not take effect immediately.
This Direction, if confirmed, will come into force on Thursday 27 August 2020.
The documents will show up on the page after 1pm today. It would be appreciated if you could encourage residents within your areas to make comment on this matter.
Letters relating to the Article 4 will be sent out to several parties today. This includes the current owners, the current tenants, the buyer, the buyer’s agent and the two companies marketing the land; Exclusive Property Sales and Marcus Barnard. I have passed on information regarding this latest piece of land and the way it is being marketed to KCC Trading Standards who have passed it on further to Wandsworth Trading Standards due to the companies registered location.
Hever Parish Council are in regular contact with SDC Planning on all planning matters, relating to applications within the parish, in parishes / towns bordering Hever parish and towns and District wide issues e.g. Local Plan. We are very grateful to the all the volunteer Councillors on the Planning Committee who give so much of their time and expertise.
Please note Hever Parish Council will be considering the matter and its response at the next meeting.
With thanks to Sevenoaks District Seniors Action Forum for the following item:
- There seems to be a dearth of easy listening music on radio, so we were pleased to discover the launch of a new free radio station Listeners can choose from a selection of music from the 1930s/40s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s 24 hours a day. The station can be accessed via any internet enabled device including computers, tablets, mobile phones, smart TVs and Alexas. Music for Dementia launched this service to help people with dementia and their carers but having listened to the station we feel that anyone interested in taking a nostalgic, musical interlude down memory lane would enjoy tuning in.