Hever Parish Council have considered and acted on a number of occasions in recent years, in response to residents and walkers’ requests, how to further promote and enhance the experience of walkers by having dog and user friendly pathways with clear access and signposting. This supports a positive, health, active lifestyle and local tourism. We have worked with local landowners, tourist attractions, walking groups and Kent County Council public rights of way officer.
Landowners are responsible for maintaining stiles and gates in a safe condition and to the required standard of repair in accordance with Section 146 of the Highways Act 1980.
Kent County Council are obliged to contribute a minimum of 25% towards the reasonable cost of maintenance.
This contribution has traditionally been through the provision of the materials necessary for the repair. To assist in reducing the burden on landowners the County Council is willing to provide a self-closing gate (cost price £130.00) for the landowners’ installation. Due to the additional costs KCC ask for a minimum contribution of £30.00 for a gate towards the cost of the gate and administration.
The gates provided are of a very high quality, constructed from galvanised steel, and have an expected life of approximately three times longer than a stile.
Responsibility for the maintenance of the gate will remain with the landowner.
Some Rambler groups, for example have given money to have gates installed to replace existing authorised stiles in memory of one of their members, and put a plaque up on the gate. The maintenance of the gate would still remain the responsibility of the landowner/tenant.
The installation costs vary between about £150 to £250 depending on the location, ease of access and the terrain.
Hever Parish Council wish to encourage landowners to consider replacing any unsuitable stiles with more durable, accessible ones and costs incurred could be requested via the grant application process.
Please contact clerk@hever.org with any queries. The next dates of full council meetings are as below, should you wish to attend. Please note that any grant applications or items for the Agenda need to be submitted to the Clerk 2 weeks before a meeting for due consideration by the members.
- Tuesday 17th September 7.30pm Markbeech village hall
- Thursday 21st November 7.30pm Hever village hall