
Covering the villages of Four Elms, Hever & Markbeech

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The Affordable Housing Needs Survey for Hever, Four Elms and Markbeech is still open!

The Affordable Housing Needs Survey for Hever, Four Elms and Markbeech is still open! You can use this link to complete the survey online https://online1.snapsurveys.com/hever

RACE & Sevenoaks District Council are working with Hever Parish Council to undertake a housing needs survey in the parish. The survey aims to gauge the need for affordable housing across all age groups. We’re also exploring if older homeowners need to downsize or require more suitable housing. Your input shapes housing solutions for everyone. Let’s ensure affordability for all stages of life!
All households in the Parish should have received a postcard about this.
You can use this link to complete the survey online https://online1.snapsurveys.com/hever
You can get a paper version of the survey from the Parish Clerk, Rachael Turner, by calling 07784 912645 or emailing: clerk@hever.org – a pre-paid envelope will be included to enable you to return your completed survey.

The Local Housing Needs Survey is now open

RACE & Sevenoaks District Council are working with Hever Parish Council to undertake a housing needs survey in the parish. The survey aims to gauge the need for affordable housing across all age groups. We’re also exploring if older homeowners need to downsize or require more suitable housing. Your input shapes housing solutions for everyone. Let’s ensure affordability for all stages of life!

All households in the Parish should have received a postcard about this.

You can use this link to complete the survey online https://online1.snapsurveys.com/hever

You can get a paper version of the survey from the Parish Clerk, Rachael Turner, by calling 07784 912645 or emailing: clerk@hever.org – a pre-paid envelope will be included to enable you to return your completed survey.


Housing Survey Poster Hever

Funding Available from Gatwick Airport Community Trust

There is currently Grant Funding available from Gatwick Airport Community Trust  for local groups and projects.  There is a deadline of 31st March for applications, so there is not that long to apply. Please do share this with any groups you may feel could benefit from it.

For information the Trust will support the following priority categories:

  • Development of young people
  • Art projects including amateur drama, music, art
  • Sporting facilities
  • Environmental improvement and conservation
  • Improvements to community facilities such as village halls
  • Support for the disabled
  • Support for the elderly
  • Encouragement of additional volunteering or giving in the area

To apply please visit: https://gact.org.uk/application-process/

Support Guide from SDC

Here for you is a guide to support that might be able to help you, including with the increased cost of living, from Sevenoaks District Council.

We know it is a difficult time for everyone with the rise in the cost of living. In this leaflet you can find useful websites, organisations and advice to help you with rising costs. There’s support available both locally and nationally for a wide range of issues.

Here for you – February – March 2024

Litter Picks – Saturday 23rd March 2024

Keep Britain Tidy

Several community Litter Picks have been arranged across the Parish on Saturday 23rd March. Come and join in!  It is good fun, with free refreshments and great exercise. If possible, please bring own gloves and wear appropriate clothing and sturdy footwear.  Hi visibility vests and litter pickers can be provided, however if you have your own please do bring them.


Litter Pick details are as follows:

Four Elms Village Hall – Saturday 23rd March 9.30 am

Hever Village Hall – Saturday 23rd March 9.30 am

Markbeech Village Hall – Saturday 23rd March 1.00 pm

Any queries, please contact clerk@hever.org


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