
Covering the villages of Four Elms, Hever & Markbeech

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Hever station – Passenger benefit fund of £ 30,000

HEVER STATION – Passenger benefit fund.  What do passengers want £30,000 to be spent on? Tell us your ideas!

GTR has set up a Passenger Benefit fund totalling £15m following the disruption faced by passengers in Summer 2018 to be used to provide tangible benefits for passengers. £30,000 of that has been allocated to improve Hever Station.  Hever Parish Council and Hever Residents Assoc. regularly work together on many projects for the Hever community we wish to promote this fund to local passengers and co-ordinate a response. Continue reading

Would you like some help with your village / rural shop? FREE support..


We are currently working on a Rural Village Shops Programme with Actions for Rural Communities in Kent. The programme will provide free advice and support to rural retailers to develop their operations.

Please find attached a postcard which provides more information about the programme. I would be grateful if you could share this with your contacts and let me know of any village shops that may need support.



Hayley Nixon
Graduate Trainee Economic Development Officer
Economic Development and Property

(T) 01732 227274

(M) 07749 435 494
Sevenoaks District Council | Argyle Road | Sevenoaks | Kent | TN13 1HG

E: hayley.nixon@sevenoaks.gov.uk
W: www.sevenoaks.gov.uk

SDC Supporting your business




It’s THIS Thursday – Hever Parish Council Annual Assembly – Four Elms PARISH ROOMS and planning meeting

IT’S THIS THURSDAY – Hever Parish Council Annual Assembly – Four Elms PARISH ROOMS, refreshments from 6pm, speakers from 7.30pm. ALL MOST WELCOME!
Note slight changes to timings only of speakers;
Includes planning meeting at 7pm to consider;
1. 19/01176/HOUSE
Hever Lodge Hever Road Hever KENT TN8 7NP
Development: Erection of a two bay car port and log store.
2. 19/01110/FUL
Park Cottage Farm Uckfield Lane Hever KENT
Demolish existing equine building and erection of dwelling and outbuilding and associated works.
3. 19/01224/FUL
The Elms Nursery Bough Beech Road Four Elms KENT TN8 6ND

Proposed extensions to existing garden centre to provide enlarge kitchen and Cafe and staff facilities.


The Chairman, John Hodson will welcome guests and parishioners and seek approval for the Minutes from the Annual Assembly 2018 and deliver the 2019 Annual Report.

7.40pm           Kent Police – Joseph Cain, Police Community Support Officer, PCSO 60538

Sevenoaks District, Kent Police

7.50pm           Alison Thompson, Senior Regional Development Manager  English Rural Housing Association

8.00pm           Councillor Peter Lake, Kent County Council

8.10pm           Councillor Matthew Dickins, Sevenoaks District Council

8.20pm           Mike Follows, Chair, Four Elms Village Hall Trustees

8.30pm           Edenbridge Medical Centre – Dr. Simon Morrison


ALL most welcome – Hever Parish Council Annual Assembly. Thursday 23rd May

DO JOIN, all most welcome;
Hever Parish Council Annual Assembly
Thursday 23rd May Four Elms (Now in Parish Rooms opposite Four Elms Primary school as village hall busy with European Election!).
Speakers from 7.30pm;
  • including the police
  • Dr. Morrison on the new health centre
  • and English Rural Housing Association.


Come and join and say what you’d like the parish council to do over the next year. Refreshments provided from 6pm.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

6 pm

Four Elms Parish Rooms

From 6pm; there will presentations and information of HPC work.

We will invite comments and suggestions for the year ahead.

During this time, drinks and snacks will be available.

1.    7.30pm

The Chairman, John Hodson will welcome guests and parishioners and seek approval for the Minutes from the Annual Assembly 2018 and deliver the 2019 Annual Report.

  1. Comments from;

7.40pm           Kent Police – Joseph Cain, Police Community Support Officer, PCSO 60538

Sevenoaks District, Kent Police

7.50pm           Edenbridge Medical Centre – Dr. Simon Morrison

8.00pm           Councillor Peter Lake, Kent County Council

8.10pm           Councillor Matthew Dickins, Sevenoaks District Council

8.20pm           Four Elms village hall Trustee

8.30pm           Alison Thompson, Senior Regional Development Manager

English Rural Housing Association

The Chairman will invite and other business which electors wish to raise, there being no Special Resolutions for consideration.


Charlotte Cole, Clerk, Hever Parish Council, representing Four Elms, Hever and Markbeech.  Clerk@hever.org





ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Hever Parish Council to be held at Hever village hall on Tuesday 7th May 2019 commencing at 7.30pm

The Members of Hever Parish Council

I hereby summon you to attend the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Hever Parish Council to be held at Hever village hall on Tuesday 7th May 2019 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.

Signed;      Clerk     Date   30.04.19  *attachment / printed copy

  1. To receive apologies.
  2. Only open session of the meeting- Public Forum (10 minutes)
  3. Declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda
  4. *To approve the accuracy of Minutes of the previous meeting – 20.03.19 and 2018 AGM (JH).

Continue reading

BULK REFUSE FREIGHTER FOR LOCALS coming to the neighbourhood;

Saturday 29th June 2019
Four Elms VILLAGE HALL 8 – 9.15am then
Hever Bottle bank area next to Henry pub in coach car park 9.30 – 10.45am
Saturday 21st September
Four Elms VILLAGE HALL 8 – 9.15am then
MARKBEECH village hall 9.30 – 10.45 am
It cannot take Electrical Appliances/ Metal / Hard Core / Large Amounts of Garden Waste / Large Panes of Glass / Oil or Paint.
The Freighter cannot accept fridges, freezers, cookers, cast iron boilers or baths, long metal poles, building materials, manure, large parts of engines, vehicle parts or hazardous waste. This includes items like fluorescent tubes, TVs & computer monitors, batteries, oil tins and filters, paint and paint tins and chemical containers. These items must be taken to your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre. Compostable garden waste cannot be accepted either. Please do not leave any rubbish unattended. Please DO NOT arrive early or leave items on site, otherwise will be classed as flytipping and information passed to the police, thank you.
This is a service provided by Sevenoaks District Council and funded entirely by Hever Parish Council.

Hever Parish Council Spring Dates, Council elections and Green tokens!

Spring Dates

Tuesday 7th May 7.30pm Hever Parish Council Annual General Meeting, Hever village hall (full Agenda will be on website and noticeboards the week before)  All most welcome.

Thursday 23rd May Hever Parish Council Annual Assembly – doors open 6pm, speakers from 7.30pm.  Four Elms village hallAll most welcome – speakers to include Dr. Morrison (to update on Edenbridge Medical centre plans), English Rural Housing Association (Affordable housing provider).  Displays on what achieved during the last year and suggestions gratefully received for plans for the next year/s. Come and meet your Councillors.  Refreshments provided.

All of May – Waitrose green tokens – please support the ongoing renovation of Four Elms playground!  We are hoping to purchase more sensory equipment for youngsters – which will especially help those with sensory impairments. Thank you for your support.

and finally, to advise that 9 of the 10 existing Hever Parish Councillors have been re – elected (uncontested) to Hever Parish Council.  So a huge thanks to them for volunteering their time and efforts for a further 4 years.  These are totally unpaid roles and we owe them much for trying to improve life for our Community.

Follow us on Facebook (Hever Parish Council), www.hever.org.

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