To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
  2. *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (15.01.19) (Chair).
  3. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

Items for discussion / decision;

(during the meeting, can all Cllrs. please sign the Annual Declaration – required by Insurers**).

  1. Julie Terry, Tenancy Services Manager & Jo Mahieu, Head of Allocations – West Kent Housing Association attending to report on current housing provision and management within the District and Parish.
  2. Affordable Housing – (SS / CT / CC). To report on progress and call for sites.
  3. *Parish wide traffic review – report back from Clerk / AH / RBS following traffic review and recommendations for village gateways with costings for 2019 / 20.
  4. Four Elms school traffic project – to report back (BW).
  5. Shopping facilities in Four Elms.
  6. Gatwick update (DL, SL, RBS)
  7. Easter Litter Pick (RBS / AH) for Four Elms and Markbeech scheduled for Easter Saturday.
  8. *Elections – note District and Parish wide elections Thursday 2nd May.
  9. Remuneration for Cllrs. – HPC have not adopted a policy to date. NB. Co – opted Members are not eligible and this is separate to travelling and subsistence costs which may be claimed.  However, it could compensate for childcare / carer issues.  There are tax implications.  Does the Council wish to consider a remuneration policy for 2019 – 2020?
  10. Social Media – do the Members feel we should have a social media policy to cover conduct / representations made by Cllrs. on social media, or can this be part of the Code of Conduct?
  11. *HPC Annual policies – updated in advance of AGM. Could Members study the policies in advance of the meeting to ratify?  Please note, no changes to;

  • Complaints Policy (2019)
  • GDPR (2019)
  • Planning Committee Terms of Reference (2019)
  • Finance Regulations (2019)
  • Code of Conduct (2017) – subject to item 14.

Please note new policies for consideration and adoption;

  • Terms of Reference of Finance and Employment Committee (2019)
  • Draft Standing Orders (2019)
  • Training Policy for the Clerk and Cllrs. (2019)
  1. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (Chair)

Items for updating on / for information;

  1. GDPR – to update any developments or actions required. None.
  2. 2019 – 2020 For information – District wide precept / budget information.

Across the whole of the Sevenoaks District (of 31 towns and parishes), HPC has the greatest reduction in precept for 2019 – 2020 (9.11%) which means a reduction of £6.49 per band D household per year. The 30 other towns and parishes altered their precepts by +97% to – 7 %.  The range of precept per household in Hever Parish will now be from £43.19 (Band A property) to £129.56 for band H.

  1. *Planning; applications responded to and outcomes – attached to agenda.
  2. *Financial update. (Clerk).
  3. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH)
  4. Other correspondence for noting / Consultations. This may include items from the Kent Association of Local Councils / National Association of Local Councils.


  • Letter of thanks from Tunbridge Wells and District Samaritans.
  • A year-long Parliamentary inquiry into ethical standards in local government, has backed calls from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) for reforms to the current regime.
  • Clerk attended the Edenbridge Town Council Annual meeting on 04.03.19. Agenda and annual report available.
  • Edenbridge and District Rail Travellers Association = Newsletter 131 Feb 2019 available.


In exceptional circumstances may choose to go into a closed session where a matter of staffing, contract and tender or sensitivity to an individual or group of persons is involved.  The Council will decide accordingly if the minutes of such an item should remain confidential.  Confidential items should be minuted on a different colour paper and filed separately.


**            Insurance Declaration;

To the best of our knowledge, no Councillor or Clerk has

  • Been subject to any Country Court Judgements
  • Had any insurer decline, cancel or refuse to renew insurance
  • Been convicted / charged / cautioned in respect of any criminal offence
  • Ever been prosecuted for failure to comply with any Health and Safety or Welfare or Environmental Protection legislation
  • Been declared bankrupt or disqualified from being a company director or involved in any company that went into receivership, liquidation or administration.




SE/18/03701/HOUSE 5 Parsons Croft, TN8 7LH                              Erection of a single storey extension.