To:    The Members of Hever Parish Council

I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at HEVER Village Hall.

on TUESDAY  18th September 2018 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.

Signed; Clerk              Date   10.09.18 *attachment / printed copy

To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.

  1. To receive apologies.
  2. Declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda
  3. *To approve the accuracy of Minutes of the previous meeting (Chair).
  4. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

Items for discussion / decision;

  1. Four Elms traffic – proposal from Peter Lake (PL) Kent County Councillor (PL) to fund 20mph from KCC Members Grant. Does the Council have a view on a proposal?
  2. *SDC Draft Local Plan– to record the comments sent to SDC as part of the consultation (CC). Attachment of Cllr. Clive Pearman (Edenbridge Town Council) report on history of Edenbridge and District War memorial hospital.
  3. Affordable Housing
  4. i) CT to propose to the full Council, the setting up of a “HPC Affordable Housing working party”, which would be;
  5. a) To research, report and recommend as an advisory body to the full Council (under S102 powers 1972 LGA). To be task specific and time limited.
  6. b) To examine an issue in detail, read reports and related materials, examine options, get advice for the Council.
  7. c) To act as experts and/or liaise with experts, which will include neighbouring parish and town Councils, Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, Sevenoaks District Council, ACRK (Action with Communities in Rural Kent).
  8. d) No funding or monies to be spent or committed without delegated authority or prior Full Council endorsement.
  9. e) Quorate: Minimum of 2 Councillors at each meeting and the proper officer (Clerk).
  10. f) A Working Party does not meet in public, therefore Standing Orders are not applicable, although the Code of Conduct still applies. Does the full Council agree to the formation of the Working Party?
  11. ii) SS – To update the Council following the compulsory parish wide housing needs survey and presentations to SS / CT /CC (and SDC) from 2 Housing Associations. Recommendations to be made to the full Council;
  12. Selection of a Housing Association on any emerging local proposals.
  13. To proceed with a second stage housing needs survey (undertaken by the Rural Housing Enabler – ACRK (an independent expert body) with no cost implications to HPC.

Does the Council accept the Recommendations as advised by the working party?

  1. Elections – to note that District and Parish Council elections May 2019 & associated costs. There is a national drive to attract a broad range of demographics to be nominated.  How does HPC wish to address this? (CC).
  2. GDPR update (CC) –
  3. Not legally compulsory, but recommended by KALC to appoint a DPO (Data Protection Officer) who has skills, time, knowledge, professional qualifications independence and ability to take on responsibility. A DPO must be appointed “on the basis of professional qualities”.  Costs between £150 – 500.  If not appointed, the same work must be undertaken by someone else suitable.
  4. HPC to complete in next 12 months a data audit, data risk assessment and accessibility statement.
  5. Personal information is stored by the Clerk in a locked filing cabinet (Chair has spare key) and legal documents in a safe.
  6. “Gold standard” of GDPR is recommended for Cllrs. to have individual HPC laptop (encrypted emails, use of Council licensed Office professional, virus protection etc.) This could be budgeted for over a period of years.  Noting that in the event of a data breach any hardware used for any HPC work can be seized.
  7. Ensure all communications from Cllrs. with residents comes via the Clerk, otherwise individual Cllrs. need to register and pay for registration with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office).

How does HPC wish to consider options for a and d?

  1. Proposal for Summer 2019 local party at Hever Castle (DL).
  2. Proposed re launch of and launch of The Link magazine online. Suggested November 2018 and budget of £200 for event and publicity.
  3. Proposal for Premises Licence for music festival / country fete on field on Hever / Edenbridge border (Between Lydens Lane and Hever Road).
  4. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (Chair)

Items for updating on / for information;

  1. *Planning and licensing; applications responded to and outcomes – attached to agenda. Including Summer festivals.
  2. *Financial update. (Clerk).
  3. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision making or with financial implications) (JW)


  1. Other correspondence for noting / Consultations. This may include items from the Kent Association of Local Councils / National Association of Local Councils.


Kent County Council’s ‘Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Consultation’.

This consultation will help us deliver the Kent Waste Disposal Strategy and seeks views on the proposal to implement a charging policy for non-household waste materials including soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard, deposited at Kent HWRCs.  The 8 week consultation is available until Thursday 1 November 2018, and we would like to invite you to comment.

Does HPC wish to comment on the consultation?




AGENDA 7.15pm

  • 4 Lodgewood Cottages, Hever Road, Hever TN8 7NP


Amendment to application 17/03407/HOUSE

Deadlines 26.09.18


  • The Corn Mill Stables, Ide Hill Road, Four Elms TN8 6NS


Single storey home office building within rear garden.

Deadlines 26.09.18


  • 1 Hillside Cottages, Four Elms Road TN8 6NQ


Removal of existing car port.  Erection of atwo storey side extension and first floor rear extension over existing ground floor.

Deadline 28.09.18


  • The Elms Nursery Bough Beech Road Four Elms KENT TN8 6ND


Proposed extensions to existing garden centre to provide enlarge kitchen,

staff facilities, extra retail and storage areas.


Brocas Cottage, Brocas Road Hever TN8 7LE SE/18/00681/HOUSE

Appeal – erection of a first floor extension.