Following recent flooding events from storms across the United Kingdom, we would like to encourage residents & businesses to be prepared for flooding in the District. We advise the following preparations before any further severe weather occurs:

  • Regularly check road or surface water drains are not blocked near where you live. If they are, use the Kent County Council “Report a Problem” tool to get it cleared
  • If there are any water courses that are blocked or partially blocked with rubbish or weeds, report it to the Environment Agency via email or telephone 03708 506506.
  • It is wise to have a sufficient stock of sand bags or flood sacks ready to deploy when there is a threat of flooding. Bags of sand and flood sacks can be bought from local DIY stores or off the internet. Sevenoaks District Council Direct Services also sell sand bags, but payment must be made first by calling 01732 227000 before you collect them.
  • The Kent Prepared website offers advice on how you can protect your home or business, including a ‘Personal Flood Plan’ template and links to Environment Agency documents:
  • Register to Floodline to receive the latest information for your area during a flood by calling 03459 881188.

Sevenoaks District Council will only provide sand bags to residents in emergency situations. Unfortunately, with flash flooding incidents, it is normally too late to stop flooding reaching your property. More information on how we serve our district during flooding and a video on how to lay sandbags and floodsax can be found at

Town and Parish Councils can contact Direct Services if they have the facility to take their own stock of sandbags to assist residents in a flooding event.

If you would like any further advice on how to protect your home during flooding you can call the District Council Emergency Planning service via our main switchboard at 01732227000 or you can talk to the Kent Resilience Forum on 01622 212409. You can also find more information on the Government website: