7 pm Planning meeting

7.30pm Full Council meeting


To:   The Members of Hever Parish Council.  I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held by ZOOM on 26TH NOVEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.30 pm for the transaction of business as set out below.


Signed;      Clerk              Date   19.11.20   *attachment


Meeting ID: 957 5390 9251                                           Passcode: 109587

To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.  * indicates attachment (please contact the Clerk if not received).

Please note the adopted procedure for virtual meetings (2020).

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda (Chair).
  1. *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (22.09.20 & 29.09.20) (Chair).
  1. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

Items for discussion / decision;

4i.     *Financial update. Receipts and payments since last update & accounts and statement reconciliation (Clerk).

 4ii.   * Budget setting for 1st April 2021 – 31st March 2022.  To consider recommendations from finance Committee (JH, AH, JW, Clerk) and approval or amendment.  See attachment.  In summary – proposal to reduce precept request by 0.5%.  Budget to be decided at the latest at January 2021 meeting.

  1. To consider any grant applications received.
  • 5i) Request from member of public in Four Elms (who self-organised and funded a pumpkin trail for local children) – for provision of prizes (to the max value of £120) to run a socially distanced Christmas equivalent in the village with chocolate “prize”.
  • 5ii) To underwrite (£500) drive in carol singing event at Hever Castle Golf club (live streamed to homes) – HRA / Church / locals.
  • *5iii) HRA – £ 5,000 towards refurbishment of Hever village hall
  1. Hever central parking (JW). To discuss problems and potential solutions.
  2. Four Elms recreation ground – request from school to install green matting

(approx.50m) from gate to rear of school playground (as being used as access point during covid).  Cost to Council ~£100

8. Affordable Housing in the Parish – an update from SS / Clerk. Does the Council agree with the recommendations to hold a full public consultation, parish wide during January 2021 to consider site/s, following an early January HPC meeting?

9. Meeting dates for 2021 – does the Council wish to continue with bi monthly meetings via zoom (until covid restrictions allow face to face / hybrid meetings)?

10. GDPR – to update any developments or actions required.

11. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (Chair)

12. Does anyone from the Council wish to nominate someone to attend the Gatwick invite?

Every year, Gatwick holds an Airspace and Noise Management Board Public Meeting. This year’s meeting, which will be taking place virtually on 3 December, is an opportunity to:

  • Hear from Gatwick about the impact that Covid-19 has had on its operations and changes to how the airspace is used.
  • Hear about the Noise Management Board and how Gatwick and its industry and community partners work together to manage aviation noise.
  • Ask questions of Gatwick representatives and the Noise Management Board Chairs*.

As a representative of the community who may have an interest in airspace and noise management at Gatwick, we welcome you, or one of your councillors, to this meeting. Please find the invitation attached. Follow the links contained within the invitation to register, and feel free to share this invitation with anyone that would find it of interest.

  1. Does the Council have any projects to propose applying to these funds for?
  • The Kent Police Property Fund is generated from the sale, at auction, of items seized inpolice operations.  If you are a local, charitable organisation with a clear connection to Kent, you’re welcome to apply. The projects supported by Police Property Act Fund donations must be for charitable purposes and must benefit the residents of Kent.
  • SDC (Community Infrastructure Levy) CIL Board. Does the Council have any proposals that would be suitable to apply to this for?

“The next CIL Spending Board will be taking place on Wednesday 10th March 2021.  I would like to invite your Town/Parish Council to bid for funding to help delivery local and/or strategic infrastructure projects which will benefit the local community. https://planningconsult.sevenoaks.gov.uk/consult.ti/CILBoard/

All applications must be received by 31st December 2020”.

  • SDC Community Grants available. One form for those seeking a grant up to and including £500, another for applicants wishing to apply for a grant between £501 and £5,000


Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision or with financial implication).

Items for updating on / for information;

  1.  Consultations / Other Correspondence.
  • PKF Littlejohn have completed external independent audit of Council accounts,

without issues.  Notification online and noticeboards as per statutory requirements. http://hever.org/notice-of-conclusion-of-audit-annual-governance-accountability-return-for-the-year-ended-31-march-2020

  • SDC and HPC voluntary scheme restarted in second lockdown.  HPC continue to support one vulnerable couple in Markbeech and open to further registrations as required.
  • Peter Lake (KCC) continues to lobby for speed reductions in Four Elms.
  • Hever Parish field – pedestrian gate to be installed next to vehicular 5 bar gate

by school entrance.  Dog bin to be relocated onto field (was knocked down in school parking area).

  • 3 new Councillors have completed the KALC Dynamic Councillor training module online.



Please note, Sevenoaks District Council (www.sevenoaks.gov.uk) is the planning authority.  HPC is a consultee.  Any member of the public can comment directly to SDC on a planning application.  See;  http://hever.org/what-powers-does-hever-parish-council-have-in-planning-applications

HPC Councillors have the responsibility as individual committee members to have studied application documents prior to the meeting to enable input and worthwhile discussion to form a consensus.

  • 20/02988/OUT Land North of Town Station Cottages Forge Croft Edenbridge KENT TN8 5LR

Outline application for the erection of 340 dwellings, including affordable housing, land for a 4FE secondary school including playing fields, land for a new twin hall venue for Edenbridge Scout Group, creation of a new car park for Edenbridge Town Station and associated infrastructure improvements, allotments, associated access from Four Elms Road, emergency access, open space, attenuation areas and landscaping and some matters reserved save for means of access.

  • Fairholme Farm Cowden Pound Road Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NR

20/03234/MMA  Minor Material Amendment to 19/02186/HOUSE, Addition of window to downstairs WC, addition of window to first floor bedroom, addition of porch

  • 20/03206/PROW |Application under Section 118 and Section 26 of the Highways Act 1980 to extinguish the entire width of that length of Public Footpath numbered SR568 and to create a new length of Public Footpath numbered SR568. | Footpath SR568 South East Of Medhurst Row Cottages Prettymans Lane Edenbridge KENT