To: The Members of Hever Parish Council
I hereby summon you to attend a meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at Hever Village Hall (Hever Road, Hever, Kent TN8 7NH) on Tuesday 17 th January 2017 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Signed; Clerk Date 05.01.17 *attachment / printed copy
Planning Committee Agenda. Roodlands Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms TN8 6PD16/03863/PAC. Prior notification for a change of use from agricultural use to Dwelling. Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.
Regular items for information;
- To receive apologies.
- Declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
- *To approve the accuracy of Minutes of the previous meeting JH.
- Public Forum (10 minutes).
- *Representative from KFRS (Kent Fire and Rescue service); fire hydrant initiative project. Key areas where the local Parish council can forge an effective partnership with KFRS in identifying any visible faults with fire hydrants to speed up repairs and ensure the Parish council emergency plan in the event of fire can be effective.
Items for discussion / decision;
- To consider Four Elms road safety, vests / signs and budget (JS).
- *To consider plans for the Budget / precept for 2017 – 2018 (JH).
- Listing of Assets of Community Value (CT / AS / RBS).
- *KCC Volunteer Support Warden Scheme.
- Pigdown lane, traffic / HGV.
- *Grant application from Markbeech Village Hall.
- *Clerk Appraisal (JW).
- Easter litter pick …to establish lead for each village.
- Hever defibrillator (to agree location and action plan).
- *SDC Local Plan – Settlement Hierarchy Evidence Base (All to contribute to local services mapping).
- To determine matters arising from the previous Minutes for updating and noting (JH).
Items for updating on / for information;
- *Planning and licensing; applications and outcomes.
- Other correspondence for noting (Clerk).
- *Financial update (Clerk).
- Gatwick update (SL).
- Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH).