To: The Members of Hever Parish Council
I hereby summon you to attend a meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at Four Elms Parish Rooms on Tuesday 21st March 2017 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Signed; Clerk Date 13.03.17 *attachment / printed copy
Regular items for information;
- To receive apologies.
- Declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
- *To approve the accuracy of Minutes of the previous meeting (JH).
- Public Forum (10 minutes).
NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the organisation that plans and commissions most healthcare for people in Edenbridge, Antonia Knifton (Senior Associate – Engagement) will be attending to distribute full consultation documents, summaries and answer any questions or queries.
Items for discussion / decision;
- * Grant Applications; £250 Grant application from Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance Trust.
- * Four Elms playground; to update on grant applications, project proposal and timeline (Clerk).
- * SDC Consultation on Open Space; to consider terminology and identification of some sites across the parish.
- Hever station car park. To report on the current situation and options for the privately owned car park (JW).
- Listing of Assets of Community Value (CT). An update of the meeting between CT and Clerk.
- Easter litter pick (Clerk to update).
- 11. To consider options re; 17/18 June weekend to commemorate Jo Cox MP (JW).
- Hever parish field (how to improve usage) (JW).
- Hever Exchange (JW).
- To determine matters arising from the previous Minutes for updating and noting (JH).
Items for updating on / for information;
- *Planning and licensing; applications and outcomes.
- Other correspondence for noting (Clerk).
- *Financial update (Clerk).
- Gatwick update (SL).
- Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH).
BUDGET UPDATE End February 2017
Balance £15,926.95
Possible costs in March Grants £ 5,400.00 (Air ambulance, FE party, FE playground)
Salary and office £ 900.00
Maintenance costs £ 1,500.00
Defibrillator £ 1,400.00 (grant received but not spent)
Likely end March balance ~ £ 6,726.95
SDC | Dog bins Oct 0 Dec | 102.96 |
HVH | Hire of hall for planning | 10 |
C Cole | Annual leave pay | 531.25 |
SDC | Pest control Nov-Jan | 105 |
Willerby Landscapes | FE Xmas tree | 180.00 |
B Groves | Caretaker works | 136.00 |
C Cole | Office costs and travel | 48.60 |
C Cole | Salary till 27.01.17 | 867.68 |
Spend Jan | 1981.49 | |
Viking | Office stationary | 119.96 |
MBVH | MB village hall grant | 1500.00 |
CPRE | Direct debit annual member | 36.00 |
BFI | BFI Love and Friendhsip film | 96.00 |
C Cole | salary until 24.02.17 | 858.84 |
C Cole | Feb Office costs | 30.00 |
C Cole | Office stationary | 35.99 |
B Groves | Caretaker works | 30.00 |
B Groves | Caretaker works | 75.00 |
C Cole | Reimburse for high viz | 101.99 |
Spend Feb | 2883.78 |
2017 – 2018 Budget
Precept has increased to £33,00.00, an increase of 10% (an extra 1p/d/band D household).
Likely increases in;
Grant applications and awards (Nb. spent £10,206.60 in 16 – 17), compulsory (new) pension for Clerk, contingency, increased cost of Hever grass cutting (Proground withdrawn).
Planned for 2017 – 2018;
Receipts; Precept £33,000 + carry forward £6,000 = £39,000
Payments; Admin £ 4,500
Salary / pension / NI / office £ 16,000
Property maintenance £ 9,000
HWCAAG £ 400
Sub total of above payments; £ 29,900
Grants; (incl. £5,000 for FE playground) £ 12,000
Small projects; Signs, Christmas £ 5,000
Contingency £ 2,000
Total payments; £ 48,900
Shortfall of £ 9,900.