To: The Members of Hever Parish Council
I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at Hever village hall on Tuesday 18th July 2017 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Signed; Clerk Date 12.07.17 *attachment / printed copy
- To receive apologies.
- Declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
- *To approve the accuracy of Minutes of the previous meeting (JH).
- Public Forum (10 minutes)
- Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust visit – provides mental health and social care services for Kent in partnership with Kent County Council.
As one of the larger mental health trusts in the country, we cover an area of 1,450 sq miles and serve 1.7 million people across Kent and Medway. Our annual revenue is £178 million and we employ 3,318 staff and 228 seconded staff who are located in 83 buildings on 47 sites.
Our services are predominantly provided around key urban but we provide a range of services in community locations, reflecting the urban and rural mix of the area. The Trust has also introduced telemedicine to enhance accessibility. Since April 2013, the former Primary Care Trusts have been replaced by eight Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) which commission the majority of services that we provide.
Items for discussion / decision;
*Casual vacancy on Council (FE ward) – proposed person spec., applications.
6b. *To study, comment on and approve updated (from 2012) HPC Code of Conduct 2017. (JH)
- Matters arising from Annual Assembly (1st June);
Local concerns about fishing at Four Elms pond. Concerns about behaviour of cyclists
- Feedback from Assembly – any changes to next year? (JW)
- Village information boards – proposal (JW)
- *Terms of Reference for Planning Committee – to consider and agree on (CT)
- Staff (Clerk) pension resolution – costs and conditions of the mandatory provision (JW)
- Terms and conditions of Hever Parish field car parking – do conditions need changing? (JW)
- Grant applications – to consider any received
- To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (JH).
Items for updating on / for information;
- *Planning and licensing; applications responded to and outcomes – attached to agenda.
- Other correspondence for noting.
- *Financial update – attached to agenda.
- Gatwick update (SL).
- Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH)
To: The Members of Hever Parish Council Planning Committee
I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at Hever village hall on Tuesday 18thJuly 2017 commencing at 7.15pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
1) Foundation Matters Day Nursery SE/16/03308 / FUL Appeal. Any further comments by 25.07.17
2) SE/17/01940/FUL | Park Farm
Uckfield Lane Hever KENT TN8 7LL
Conversion of barn to form 1no. two bedroom dwelling and associated works. | ||
3)SE/17/02012/KCC |
Hever C Of E Primary School Hever Road Hever KENT TN8 7NH
NO paper copy. |
The construction of a single storey two classroom teaching block incorporating toilets and cloakroom area. |
Financial Update since last meeting.
April 2017 | |||
03.04.17 | KALC | Annual membership till 31.03.18 | 516.74 |
28.04.17 | R Bennett | Gardening | 100 |
28.04.17 | Hever village hall | Hall hire | 15 |
28.04.17 | C Cole | salary till 21.04.17 | 858.84 |
28.04.17 | Hever Country services | Hever field cuts | 324 |
28.04.17 | MBVH | Hall hire | 28 |
28.04.17 | SDC | pest control Feb – April | 105 |
28.04.17 | GACC | Membership | 10 |
May 2017 | |||
02.05.17 | EVM | Eden Valley museum SO | 75 |
19.05.17 | Bobby Groves | Caretaker | 120 |
19.05.17 | C Cole | May office costs | 30 |
19.05.17 | C Cole | Salary till 19.05.17 | 858.84 |
C Cole | Reimburse assembly costs | 43.65 | |
19.05.17 | C Cole | Reimburse assembly costs | 115.97 |
19.05.17 | Streetlights | Street lighting maintenance | 57.7 |
19.05.17 | Hever village hall | Rental 14th April | 15 |
19.05.17 | Doug Williamson | Internal audit | 75 |
June 2017 | |||
16.06.17 | C Cole | June office costs + Reimburse | 180.18 |
12.06.17 | MBVH | Hall hire 16.05 mtg | 28 |
12.06.17 | Hever Coun services | Hever cuts 02.05 + 19.05 | 324 |
12.06.17 | Hever Coun services | Hever cuts 26.05 + 07.06 | 324 |
16.06.17 | C Cole | Salary 19.05 – 16.06.17 | 858.84 |
12.06.17 | Bobby Groves | Caretaker | 82.5 |
12.06.17 | HMRC | Class 1 NIC | 369.63 |
12.06.17 | Viking | Office goods (assembly) | 117.24 |
27.06.17 | Richard Bennett | Grass cutting | 100 |
27.06.17 | SDC | Emptying dog bins | 106.08 |
27.06.17 | Zurich Insurance | Annual insurance premium | 642.02 |
27.06.17 | Viking | Office goods (Credit note already used) | 10.78 |
TOTALS APRIL / MAY / JUNE | 6492.01 |
28.04.17 | SDC | 50% precept | 16500 | ||
04.05.17 | KCF | Gatwick grant for FE | 3000 | ||
12.06.17 | C Cole | NI reimbursement – 01.04.16 – 31.03.17 | 285.57 | ||
12.06.17 | C Cole | NI reimbursement – 07.12.15 – 31.03.16 | 20.54 | ||
19,806.11 |
Closing balance end June; £29,515.75. Reconciled with statements.
Note, committed to spend / received grants; £11,000 Playground
£ 1,200 Hever defib.
Available balance; £ 18,315.75
Four Elms Playground update.
Received; £ 3,000 (Kent Community Foundation / Gatwick)
£ 2,000 Tesco £ 5,000 HPC (2016 – 2017)
Expected £ 3,000 KCC Member Grant £~ 400 Waitrose
TOTAL £ 13,400
Target > £ 20,000