Hever Village Hall. TUESDAY 18th July 2017 AT 7.30PM
Present: Cllrs. John Hodson (JH) (Chair), Anita Sebastian (AS), Duncan Leslie (DL), Joanna Wade (JW) (Vice Chair), Christine Thompson (CT).
Also in attendance: Charlotte Cole (CC, Clerk), Angela Haydon, Kevin Haydon.
The meeting commenced at 7.35pm. Numbers as per items on agenda.
The Chair welcomed the council and visitors and for the benefit of visitors briefly explained the format of the meeting. JW arrived 7.39pm
1. To receive apologies. Bonnie White (BW), Stephen Lark (SL), Rick Brookes-Smith (RBS), John Southworth (JS). Peter Lake (PL) (County Councillor). Also from planned speaker from KMPT (re scheduled).
2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the Agenda. To be specified per item. 3. To approve accuracy of minutes from the previous meetings (Assembly on 01.06.17 & AGM 16.05.17). Approved by all and signed by JH. Once approved will be displayed on noticeboards and website ( JH also signed the declaration of acceptance of office (as required annually by the Chair). 4. No queries from the public attendees. 5. Casual Vacancy – The Clerk explained the attachment showing the process of co – option and person specification (developed with JH / JW). No changes suggested. The next stage is to meet (CT, JW, JH and Clerk in attendance) individually – scheduled for 18.08.17. 6. Update to HPC Code of Conduct – last reviewed in 2012. Discussions were had regarding the need to update, ensure all Cllr. have signed and the issues surrounding disclosure of pecuniary interests (DPI). Updated Code agreed to and Clerk to clarify DPI re; partners / spouses, when can be involved in discussions / voting on a topic. 7. Matters arising from Annual Assembly; a) Behaviour of visiting cyclists – the Clerk summarised the research on the legalities (Highway code etc.). It was agreed to contact the large regional cycle clubs (re; configuration of riders, respecting residents, litter etc.) b) Fishing at Four Elms pond – the Clerk updated on the history of the pond, options if required to make it private fishing, fishing licences etc. After some discussions around the practicalities / outcomes, was agreed to ask the PCSO where able to do spot checks for Rod licence to fish (required by everyone over the age of 12) and monitor. 8. Feedback from Assembly; The Council thanked the Clerk for the work put into displays etc. Shame a relatively low turnout. Next year will be at Hever Village Hall and hope MP able to attend (this year was in Purdah). 9. Village Information Boards – JW proposed – which may include local information (history, nature, walks, buildings of interest etc.), local places to visit. Liaison with school, Stonebridge Trust and Eden Valley Museum to be encouraged. Costs from £400 each. ? sponsorship possible? Council agreed to for next financial year. Clerk to research further suppliers, format and liaisons with groups. 10. Terms of Reference for Planning Committee – proposal from Clerk discussed. Following changes; · note that HPC PC a consultee, not a statutory duty to respond. · Licensing applications and Assets of Community Value to be considered by full Council. 11. JW advised on details of proposed HPC pension scheme (details attached to agenda) – formal resolution into Local Government Pension Scheme (Kent Pension Fund) agreed to. 12. Terms and conditions of Hever Parish Field car parking – agreed to amend to allow parking, subject to additionally ensuring that users have a nominated car park attendant. HPC to monitor requests and numbers / any damage to field. 13. Grant applications received; From Edenbridge Voluntary Transport service. JH declared interest as a driver for the organisation and JW a friend of Manager of the service. Agreed to £500 requested. Discussions were had about the breadth of organisations applying and how to further publicise and encourage more applications. 14. Matters arising from the previous minutes – none. 15. Planning and licensing update – attached to agenda. Noted local concern about drained pond at the Bower, Hever. For HPC / SDC enforcement to query if to be re filled. 16. Other correspondence for noting – · Request from FE resident for ? memorial for deceased teenager. Noted that the Youth Club in Edenbridge had a recent event / bench installed. HPC felt a plaque in FE not appropriate and caution about safety aspects of any group remembrance around the pond. · Clerk updated on Hever defibrillator – costs for installation ~ £700. Agreed to. · Family fun days (FE and MB) and pop up café promoted. · Request from Young Epilepsy, St. Piers, Lingfield to use Hever field on 24.06.18 for refreshment stop for the 10K fundraising walk. Agreed to. · Offer from Kent Community Foundation of 16 hours volunteering from Gatwick Airport employees. Discussed – foothpath clearing across the parish, website work, HRA red phone box assistance? · Locals concerned with state of red phone box (Uckfield Lane) – was adopted by HPC for £1 (as had to be statutory body that adopts) but HRA overseeing funding / maintenance. 17. Financial update attached to Agenda and Chair witnessed latest bank statement to ensure reconciles with accounts. 18. Gatwick update – none in SL absence. 19. Urgent issues; a) JW updated on Film Club and licensing procedure. b) JH suggested next year bulk refuse freighter could visit FE after fete. (Declared interest as on FE fete Committee). c) DL reported an increase in attempted intrusions at Hever castle.
Meeting ended 9.25pm