Hever Village Hall. TUESDAY 21 st March 2017 AT 7.30PM
Present: Cllrs. John Hodson (JH) (Chair), Bonnie White (BW), Anita Sebastian (AS), Duncan Leslie (DL), Stephen Lark (SL), Rick Brookes-Smith (RBS), Joanna Wade (JW) (Vice Chair), Christine Thompson (CT).
Also in attendance: Charlotte Cole (Clerk), Matthew Dickins (MD) arrived 7.47pm (District Councillor for Cowden and Hever). Lisa Cowell (Hever resident).
The meeting commenced at 7.45pm.
Apologies for the unplanned last minute change of venue (from Four Elms Parish Rooms).
Numbers as per items on agenda;
1. To receive apologies. Louise Nightingale (LN), Mr. Gerry Ryan (GR) (Hever Residents Assoc.), Cllr. John Southworth (due to change of venue, via MD).
2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the Agenda. To be specified per item. 3. To approve accuracy of minutes from the previous meeting. Approved by all and signed by JH. Once approved will be displayed on noticeboards and website ( 4. Public Forum;
Diane Talbot, an invited representative from South East CSU (Kent House, 4th Floor, Station Road, Ashford, TN23 1PP attended to present on the latest stage of the Consultation on the options for the future of Edenbridge Medical Centre and Hospital. The consultation is open until 26th April and all comments welcome (via booklet, website, summary document, attendance at any public meetings). A number of questions were answered regarding the loss / moving of inpatient beds, planning issues and timescale. ALL encouraged to comments on consultation and encourage others to do so. ACTION; Clerk to assist with distribution of documents to schools and RBS to MB pre-school. Clerk to circulate answers when received regarding total square ft. change proposed and broader consultation of bed spaces (including cross county borders). The Council thanked her for her visit and information, departed at 8.11pm.
4b. MD advised that liaison with the Clerk would continue regarding Hever station car parking and answered query about fly tipping on private land (Cllrs. concerns about Hever road). MD offered to answer any other queries. Left at 8.20pm.
5. Grant application for £250 from Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance approved.
6. Four Elms playground – the Clerk reported back on grants obtained, plans to consult with locals and timeframe. Attached to agenda was hard copy. Hever Parish Trust also discussed. ACTION; Clerk to include Morrison’s supermarket in grant finding. NB. Research since mtg. – Only registered charities able to apply to Morrison’s Foundation.
7. SDC Consultation on Open Space. DL – declared conflict of interest. The planning committee had already considered and Clerk d/w SDC re; terminology and identification of sites. No further HPC response required.
8. Hever station car park – an update on the current situation from JW and Clerk, working closely with HRA. Options discussed and aim is to keep costs low for commuters and roads clear. ACTION; HPC agreed to support community proposal with, if required, up to £500 towards signage / equipment.
9. Assets of Community Value; Planning committee had already discussed and Clerk already had a meeting with CT and undertook research of implications of listing assets, what other parishes do etc. Discussions around which assets may be of community value, reality of running them as such and locals expectations of HPC. ACTION; Clerk to list halls, garage, FE cricket ground in first phase. 10. Litter Pick – Clerk updated that Hever being held on Good Friday and Markbeech following day. All equipment, paperwork and logistics organised. Four Elms to consider at later date. 11. JW reported on national plans for Great Get Together and the Big Lunch and whether HPC wished to support / contribute funds to any local proposal. There were queries about interest / relevance to locals and timing of event. Funding not supported and declined. 12. JW discussed that a shame the school parents no longer play a football match (as in 2015) and felt that the Hever field was underused. Also advised that the parking policy for the Hever field needed reviewing again. JH advised that Hever school would be attending with tables the FE village fete. ACTION; Clerk to circulate latest wording and review. Policy attached – queries highlighted by Clerk. 13. Hever exchange – noted that HRA starting a facebook page (? Page / group / individual?) 14. Clerk updated on items from last minutes, Police advised speed awareness training and speed checks for locals (FE esp.) interested in road traffic speeds. Clerk still working on Pigdown Lane signage with Highways. 15. Planning and Licensing; update on applications, response and outcome attached to agenda. 16. Other correspondence; Clerk reported on; Sevenoaks District Council voted Council of the year. Clerk on annual leave from Friday 31st March – Thursday 13th April (inclusive, noting Easter dates). Back in the office Wednesday 19th April. Rural Kent Coffee and Information project – previously distributed by email. Hopefully coming soon to Markbeech and Four Elms. No cost to HPC or users. Letter of thanks from John Green, Chairman, Mark Beech Village Hall Management Committee for grant. Query from one member of the public received via email regarding increase in precept. Response agreed and replied to and circulated to all Council, copy on request. 17. Financial update – attached to agenda and a copy of amended budget for the year attached and agreed on. This includes the £5,000 contribution towards FE playground in 2016 – 2017 and 2017 – 2018. 18. Gatwick update – SL reported, Richard Streatfield had resigned and is now Deputy Chair of HWCAAG with a temporary new Chair. SL, RBS and DL continue to be involved in HWCAAG with possibly more work being devolved to each parish. 19. SL wished to make contact with Broadband supplier (Airfast) again regarding local plans and Clerk noted MP Tom Tugendhat’s campaign (see below). Clerk advised that received some seed packages from Kew Gardens for distribution. Clerk update on plans for Assembly (1ST JUNE FOUR ELMS) – also suggested to contact and invite Dr. Simon Morrison and Flytipping Tsar. FE defibrillator training was aborted due to pedestrian accident. DL reported that KCC cycle route may be extended to include Hever. The meeting ended at 9.35 pm. The next Full Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for 16th MAY 2017 AT MARKBEECH VILLAGE HALL (ALSO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING) 7.30PM.