To:     The Members of Hever Parish Council

I hereby summon you to attend the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Hever Parish Council to be held at Markbeech village hall on Tuesday 16th May 2017 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.

Signed;           Clerk     Date   08.05.17  *attachment / printed copy

  1. To receive apologies.

2i.    Election of Chair and Vice Chair, appointment of members of Committees (Planning, Finance), appointment of members to serve on outside bodies.

2ii.    Casual vacancy on Council.

  1. Declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
  2. *To approve the accuracy of Minutes of the previous meeting (JH).
  3. Public Forum (10 minutes)

Items for discussion / decision;

  1. Note existing policies and procedures and plan to update.

7i.     *Approve the Annual Governance statement by resolution.

7ii.    *Consider the Accounting statements, (Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011) by the members meeting as a whole.

7iii.   Approve the Accounting statements by resolution. Ensuring the statements are signed and dated by the person presiding at the meeting at which that approval is given.

  1. Street lighting costs (Clerk)
  2. Local Festivals – dates / licensing (Clerk)
  3. Bulk refuse freighter – to consider if demand for HPC to fund one off service.
  4. To determine matters arising from the previous Minutes for updating and noting (JH).

Items for updating on / for information;

  1. *Planning and licensing; applications and outcomes – attached to agenda.
  2. Other correspondence for noting (Clerk).
  3. *Financial update – attached to agenda (Clerk).
  4. Gatwick update (SL).
  5. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda (not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH).

Planning Agenda (see planning update);

SE/16/03151 FUL Appeal.  The Woodyard, How Green Lane. TN8 7NN

SE/17/01338 HOUSE The Birches, Uckfield Lane TN8 7LR

SE / 17 / 01440 AGRNOT 1 White Post Cottages, Pootings Road, Four Elms

Se / 17 / 01268 / FUL 1 Keepers Cottages, Pigdown Lane, Hever TN8 7LU

Financial Update since last meeting.


March 2017
24.03.17 BK P 103 C Cole Salary until 24.03.17 858.84
24.03.17 BK p 104 C Cole Office costs March 30
24.03.17 BK p 41453 105 Air ambulance Grant 250
24.03.17 BK p 2046192 106 SDC Dog bins Jan – March 102.96
30.03.17 BK p 107 ACRK membership till 31 March 2018 50
30.03.17 BK p 407757 108 MPLC bridge of spies license 90
30.03.17 BK p 109 FE school forest grant 500
30.03.17 BK p 9 110 Bobby Groves caretaker works 60
April 2017
03.04.17 5342 111 KALC Annual membership till 31.03.18 516.74
28.04.17 23 113 R Bennett Gardening 100
28.04.17 112 Hever village hall Hall hire 15
28.04.17 119 C Cole April office costs 30
28.04.17 118 C Cole salary till 21.04.17 858.84
28.04.17 117 Hever Country services Hever field cuts 324
28.04.17 1908 116 MBVH Hall hire 28
28.04.17 141159 115 SDC pest control Feb – April 105
28.04.17 114 GACC Membership 10


MARCH film club tickets 201.5
23 grant groundwork / Tesco 2000.00


End of financial year 2016 – 2017, cash in bank                             £16,201.65.

Of which, committed to spend / grants received;

Hever defibrillator (KCC grant)                                                                £1,200

FE playground grants and HPC                                                                 £12,000

NET balance;                                                                                                       £ 3,001.65


Note for financial year 1st April 2017 – 31st March 2018;

  • Possible election costs (£2,000)
  • Budgeted contingency of just £1,000
  • Monthly running costs (all admin, memberships, insurance, asset maintenance i.e. everything except grants and large projects) ~ £1,680 (£20,160 p.a.)