Hever Village Hall. Tuesday 15th May 2018 AT 6.30PM
Present: Hever Parish Councillors Cllrs. : Cllrs. John Hodson (JH) (Chair), Bonnie White (BW), Anita Sebastian (AS), Duncan Leslie (DL), Stephen Lark (SL) , Rick Brookes-Smith (RBS), Joanna Wade (JW) (Vice Chair), Angela Haydon (AH), Stephen Sadler (SS), Christine Thompson (CT).
Also in attendance: Charlotte Cole (Clerk) plus speakers as below plus ~ 35 members of the public.
The meeting started at 6.37pm.
JH welcomed the local residents, speakers and thanked them for coming, apologies from Peter Lake (Kent County Councillor) and Mathew Dickins (Sevenoaks District Cllr.) Sincere thanks offered to the Councillors who volunteer so much of their time, contractors and to the Clerk for the organisation of the event and hard work over the year. He encouraged attendees to study the displays around the hall and summarised the Annual Report (copies provided and distributed to every household in the parish). The principles of requesting HPC precept from Sevenoaks District Council were discussed, any comments or feedback on anything HPC does most welcome.
Short presentations from;
Kent Police (Inspector Nick Finnis, Community Safety Unit Inspector and Simon Humphries, Police Community Support Officer). An overview of District and local crime patterns provided and encouraged to secure vehicles and sheds, register for Twitter updates and consider Speedwatch scheme locally. Recommended websites, The Rural task force as doubled and increased cross border working. There are 4 PCSOs based in Edenbridge. Contact details given. Note to use 101 / 999 as necessary. Question from the public regarding speed cameras – would need to have evidence of fatalities. Speedwatch first may be more appropriate. Question regarding 101 response times – noted and will vary according to peak times and prioritising of calls. Encouraged to log incidents online.
Edenbridge Community First Responders (Jeff Streets). Provided an update on local defibrillators, local defib training sessions (which are free of charge), reality of Ambulance waiting times, CFR role in incidents and recruitment drive.
Edenbridge Medical Centre (Dr. Simon Morrison). Explained the principle of the social prescribing trial at the Health Centre (for 1 year, working with Help the Aged). Recent Care Quality Inspection rated the Health Centre as “Good”. New building project – expect significant announcements in next 2 months. There is a full time project manager working on site selection – Four Elms road likely. Have met with Sevenoaks District Council and Edenbridge Town Council to discuss green belt issues. Mark Sage (partner at Medical Centre) is leading the clinical aspects of the new building and working with Hospital. Finance options are linked to site chosen. Question from the public about timescale – hoping for detailed planning by end of 2018 and to open 2021.
HERO scheme (Sevenoaks District Council) – explained the scheme to assist with housing, energy, retraining and options for residents in the Sevenoaks District. Can work with residents on benefit, debt queries and preventing homelessness. Discretionary housing payments also available and access to other charities. Are in Edenbridge biweekly and often visit sites with Rural Kent and working in local GP surgeries. Question from the public about difference to Citizens Advice Bureau –have legal advice available, wait times may be longer, however often work alongside another.
Community Spaces (Vice Chair, Joanna Wade). Introduced the range and role of other groups in running important community spaces / facilities for the benefit of the whole community and how HPC may have a role in assisting with publicising these assets, linking to re-launch of website (, helping with grant applications and project management etc. HPC are keen to work jointly with such spaces and groups to facilitate improvements where necessary and assist. Attendees were encouraged to add any thoughts / comments on each asset (Village halls, open spaces, Churches).
Hever Residents Association (John Adkins, Chair). Summarised the role and some of the achievements of HRA and future direction for increased social events, especially children e.g. Easter egg hunt, Halloween party (October half term). Encouraged locals to subscribe (£15 per household).
Markbeech Village Hall (John Green, Chair). Provided a summary of the history, current Committee structure and finances (including significant grants obtained in 1995 from SDC and HPC . Encouraged other village halls to ensure website (has increased weddings booking significantly also aided by space in the garden for marquee).
Hever Village Hall (Gerry Ryan, Chair of Trustees and Lisa Cowell). Explained that owned by residents of Hever, is a registered Charity and run by Trustees. Recent change with welcome addition of local Lisa Cowell as a Trustee who reported on survey currently being undertaken (email, post, electronically). Closing date is 31st May, pubs and Church collecting point for completed forms, thank you.
The Chair closed the meeting at 7.56pm and welcomed visitors to view the displays and engage with the speakers, which continued until ~9.00pm.
Next full Council meeting Wednesday 25th July 7.30pm Four Elms Village hall.