TUESDAY 21 st November 2017 AT 7.30PM
Present: Cllrs., Bonnie White (BW) Stephen Lark (SL), Rick Brookes-Smith (RBS), Joanna Wade (JW) (Chair), Christine Thompson (CT), Stephen Sadler (SS), Anita Sebastian (AS), Duncan Leslie (DL).
Also in attendance: Charlotte Cole (CC, Clerk), and 3 members of the public. The meeting commenced at 7.33pm.
1. To receive apologies. John Hodson (JH) – away, Angela Haydon (AH) – away.
2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the Agenda. To be specified per item. 3. To approve accuracy of minutes from the previous meetings Approved by all and signed by JW. To consider deferred annual social event – to early 2018 and potentially on a separate date to meetings. Clerk to arrange. PROPOSE TO HOLD NEXT MEETING (16.01.18 Four Elms) at 7pm start time. 4. Chair amalgamated items 4/5 for discussion. 2 residents of Four Elms attended to express on behalf of other residents, reports of and concerns over the use and behaviour of those fishing at Four Elms pond. Noted at Lingfield pond, fishing is banned. Discussions were had as to the possible solutions (short and long term). Clerk had already summarised key issues for circulation and been in contact with the police and Environment Agency and locals. It was resolved to; 1) Erect a sign at the pond 2) Leaflet locals to review local usage, encourage reporting every incident to police (phone 101, 3) Consider fencing at rear boundary after site visit with Cllrs., Clerk, Caretaker and locals. Review after 2 months and then as necessary consider other options (permits, removing large fish, install wires, ban fishing, bye laws etc.) 6. Grant applications. £200 towards Four Elms Christmas Tree granted. Hever school application for £1,000 towards new classrooms costs discussed at length and prefers to fund equipment directly as unclear as to business model of fundraising via school ball. Larger applications received for local village halls (£3,000 for Hever roof, £1,000 for Four Elms village hall refurbishment, £ 2,000 for Four Elms village hall boiler) were discussed as part of parish wide assets, the viability of and whether HPC could facilitate / fund parish wide review of, noting that all separately owned and managed with perhaps limited sharing of information between, at the present. It was decided to postpone decisions regarding providing grants to the village halls until further information as to the business plans and viability of provided and explored. BW / JW / Clerk to work on and review in 6 months. 8.05pm Peter Lake (KCC Cllr.) arrived. Reported on his planned visit to parish next week with Highways to consider road surfacing, repainting, signage and speeding. Will share any identified areas of concern and proposals with HPC. Expressed disappointment that early thoughts of possible Four Elms asset re distribution had not progressed. Gerry Ryan left 8.25pm and Peter Lake 8.35pm 7. Sevenoaks District Summer family fun days – Clerk reported back of success of 2 days held in parish. HPC fund venues, some refreshments and marketing costs. 40 children attended the day in Four Elms and 65 in Markbeech (despite terrible weather on both dates). Feedback was very positive. 8. Licensing update – The Clerk updated on festivals at Hever / Chiddingstone over the Summer and subsequent review meetings including concerns. Leefest to return 2 – 4 August (same scale of attendees i.e. 2000 – 4000 per day) and Into the Wild 24 – 27th August. Minutes from the meetings available. 9. Policing update – Clerk advised of change of PCSO (contact details attached to Agenda) and recent public meeting in Penshurst with MP, Police and Crime Commissioner to express local concerns and priorities. Noting the Rural Policing team in addition to PCSO. Emphasised the importance of every crime being reported, now online option in addition to 101 / 999. 10. Licensing application – for Kentish Horse pub, Markbeech for varying of alcohol and entertainment hours. RBS had canvassed local opinion and no concerns as currently holds folk festivals etc. under TENS. 11. Sevenoaks District Housing Forum – SS reported back from forum and copies and link distributed. Noted the 2 bedroom accommodation shortage across the District. To consider as a Council whether a housing needs survey / affordable housing plan was required. SS to investigate. 13. Finance committee update – a) and b) accepted, c) noted as per attached to agenda and proposed budget for 2018 – 2019 discussed. Agreed to the second £5,000 towards Four Elms playground project. Discussions around precept / council tax levels, tax banding and future devolution and possible referendum principles. Clerk to update proposals for budget with other options, a variety of views expressed. To make final decision at Jan meeting. ALL. 14. Four Elms playground – Funds collected £14,430 plus £5,000 from HPC and await other grant applications. Clerk to proceed with renovation, involving residents, schools and District. Anticipate completion Easter 2018. 15. Gatwick update – DL led discussions around HWCAAG, next meeting (27/11/17) and long term strategy. 16. Matters arising from the previous minutes – Clerk reported on communication from Four Elms village hall and proposals, Cllr. training proposed for February 28th (Planning), flowers have been planted across the parish by caretaker, await Gatwick volunteer confirmation, planning enforcement by SDC and defibrillator installed at Hever school. 17. Planning and licensing update – attached to agenda 18. Financial update attached to Agenda 19. Urgent / other issues 20. Other correspondence for noting – consultations attached to agenda. Clerk reported back from Highways seminar (potholes, crash data, HGV Kent strategy, drainage). Clerk issued those Cllrs. who haven’t completed up to date Disclosure or pecuniary and non pecuniary interests – an updated form (post adoption of new Code of Conduct) – to be completed and returned by next meeting please. Guidance attached and any queries to Clerk. DL has applied for dispensation. 12. Clerk left the room whilst annual appraisal discussed and recommendations from finance team proposed. Clerk returned to thanks from the Council, congratulations on passing ILCA qualification at levels 2 and 3 and amendment to contract. Clerk thanked the Council for their support and noting the staggering of any significant projects over the next financial year (or longer) would be a good way forward.
Meeting ended 9.55pm