Hever Parish Council acts as a consultee for all planning applications in the parish.  Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) is the planning authority and will decide whether or not an application is granted, receiving comments made by the Parish Council and other consultees, such as Kent Highway Services,  The Environment Agency and any member of the public.  SDC have no obligation to agree with or take these comments into account.

The final decision is made by the Planning Authority and not  the Parish Council.

  • Parish councils are statutory consultees and have no powers to approve or reject planning applications, they can only comment (or not) on applications.
  • Parish Councils are not obliged to respond to any application it is consulted on.

Hever Parish Council will only comment on what are known as “material considerations” *

If you would like to submit a comment to Sevenoaks District Council, either for or against an application, please send a copy to the Clerk of the Parish Council (clerk@hever.org) and we will take your comments into consideration whilst discussing the application.  If you would like to know when an application will be considered by the Parish Council, to share further information or give us your views, please contact the Clerk.

To view applications on the Sevenoaks District Council website, see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications, then enter the application number without the SE prefix, for example Ref. No: 09/00009/FUL, in the search box.

Current Planning Applications:

Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/G2245/C/24/3352309  SDC Ref: 24/00052/ENF : Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP

Nature: Appeal against issue of Enforcement Notice for: Without Planning Permission: The material change of the use of the land from equestrian and recreational land, to use as a residential caravan/mobile home site; Continued siting of mobile homes beyond the 28 days Caravan Licence period; Erection of a residential building; Engineering operations, including the creation of areas of hardstanding and access roads; Installation of a security camera.

Comments to be submitted by 11th November 2024 via: http://www.gov.uk/appeal-planning-inspectorate

Appeal Hearing: Date to be confirmed


24/01474/REM Mobile Home Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Development: Reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for two new equine isolation units pursuant to conditions 1, 5,6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13 of 23/03241/OUT for provision of two new equine isolation units with all matters reserved.
24/01483/LBCALT Oak House Mapleton Road Four Elms Kent TN8 6PL : Reopening existing blocked up doorway, alterations to fenestration and internal alterations.
24/01243/HOUSE Oak House Farm Mapleton Road Four Elms Kent TN8 6PL Development: Demolition of existing garage and erection of newly proposed garage.
24/01141/LDCEX  Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent Vehicular Access Roads and Parking. Entrance Gates and Gate Posts. Retaining Wall. Pedestrian access steps to lower level
24/01260/FUL Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Conversion of existing first floor space within forestry building to provide pottery and craft studio including provision of external staircase to first floor space
24/00292/FUL Land South Of Tainters Hill Hever Road Hever Kent (Hever Castle) Construction of a boiler house & fuel silo, installation of a biomass (wood) heating boiler & installation of underground district heating pipe network
24/00447/HOUSE   Little Warren Farm Hever Lane Hever Kent TN8 7ET Single storey extensions to rear and front; front porch. & Amendement 6.24 – Ecological information supplied


23/00018/RFLDCE   21/02541/LDCEX

Little Postlings Farm Five Fields Lane Four Elms KENT TN8 6NA

Siting of two porta-cabins. Siting of two lorry backs. Siting of Building 12 a permanent field shelter for horses. Hardstanding.  Refusal of LDC (Existing).

Appeal lodged 4.23

22/00089/FUL  SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00084/RFPLN

Field 200M South East Of Junction With New House Farm Road  Hever Road  Edenbridge

Installation of the access gate to a plot of land from Hever Road, the formation of parking area and the change of use to personal Agriculture. An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the Sevenoaks District Council’s refusal of planning permission for the development described above.

HPC Comment: Hever Parish Council continue to object to this application. This application has access to the Hever Road, which is very close to an area that has been identified as a road safety concern on the Highways Improvement Plan. In addition, HPC question the suitability of vehicular access on the low-lying ground the site is located on, as it frequently becomes saturated during winter months. HPC also suggest more clarity of exact agricultural usage is sought.

SE/21/02890/FUL           APP/G2245/W/22/3303974

Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge

Enlargement of Gypsy travellers site, by way of additional 5 mobile homes and 5 touring caravans.

SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00071/RFPLN – An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the Sevenoaks District Council’s refusal of planning permission for the development described above.

22/00074/ENF Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge Appeal against issue of Enforcement Notice: Without Planning Permission, the carrying out of unauthorised engineering operations, including excavation, changes to land levels and the importation and excavation of material such as rubble, waste and soil , and the change of use of the land to residential use (gypsy and traveller) and for the stationing of caravans.
23/00039/RFPLN   Land West Of High Stables Roodlands Lane Four Elms Kent Proposed extension of existing riding menage, erection of `proposed stables, angle of existing access from Roodlands Lane to be widened, existing hay barn to be relocated and proposed associated muck heap and parking for horse lorry. Appeal lodged against refusal.
 22/00089/FUL  SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00084/RFPLN Field 200M South East Of Junction With New House Farm Road  Hever Road  Edenbridge Installation of the access gate to a plot of land from Hever Road, the formation of parking area and the change of use to personal Agriculture
SE/21/02890/FUL           APP/G2245/W/22/3303974  Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge Enlargement of Gypsy travellers site, by way of additional 5 mobile homes and 5 touring caravans.
22/00074/ENF Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge Appeal against issue of Enforcement Notice: Without Planning Permission, the carrying out of unauthorised engineering operations, including excavation, changes to land levels and the importation and excavation of material such as rubble, waste and soil , and the change of use of the land to residential use (gypsy and traveller) and for the stationing of caravans.

Previous Applications:


24/00719/FUL The Stables North West Of Log Cabin Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Conversion of existing L shaped stable building to provide a one bedroom dwelling with associated amenity space
24/00951/HOUSE 1 Keepers Cottages Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LU  Erection of a 40sqm ancillary domestic outbuilding for use as a home gym. Removal of hardstanding and an outbuilding.
24/00892/AGRNOT Land East Of Owls Court Five Fields Lane Four Elms A 80′ x 35′ steel portal framed farm barn
23/03709/HOUSE Warren Cottage Hever Lane Hever Kent TN8 7ET Erection of carport with plant room and parking alteration, Proposed swimming pool. Proposed Ground Source Heat Pump and Air Source Heat Pump installations. Replacement driveway gates. Demolition of stable outbuilding and Green house and associated landscaping.
23/02105/FUL – Amended   24/00221/DETAIL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Change of use from agricultural use to two bedroom dwelling house. I previously wrote to you about the application received by the Council for this site. The application has now been amended, and a summary of the main changes is set out below; The applicant has provided a remedial method statement. Further letter sent to confirm this relates to 24/00221/DETAIL and no consultation required
24/00758/FUL Land South West Of New House Farm Bungalow Newhouse Farm Lane Hever Kent  TN8 7EQ Construction of a new stable block with associated landscaping, and new access
24/00016/FUL Open View How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7PS Development: Demolition of two storage buildings with sub-division of land with conversion of garage into a 2 Bedroom Dwelling. Amendment: The existing garage plans were labelled as proposed on both the drawing itself and on
public access. Both have now been updated.
 24/00449/FUL  The Hollies How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7NN Oak framed car port for three cars
24/00447/HOUSE  Little Warren Farm Hever Lane Hever Kent TN8 7ET Single storey extensions to rear and front; front porch.
24/00070/FUL Roughitts Uckfield Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LR Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling, therapy pool and landscaping. Amendment: The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, a site plan and a planting plan
23/03241/OUT Hever Stud Farm Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Outline application for provision of two new equine isolation units with all matters reserved.
23/03317/HOUSE Willow Cottage How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN Development: New roller shutter door for existing open forestry store.
23/03495/HOUSE) The Hollies How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7NN PROPOSED OAK FRAMED CAR PORT FOR 3 CARS
23/02738/HOUSE Ingledene Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PG Development: Re-building of existing Orangery with rear extension and new roof lantern. single storey extension. first floor rear extension with rooflights. Alterations to fenestrations Amendment: The plans have been updated to better reflect the appearance of the host property. Additionally, plans for an existing bin store have been provided.
23/02842/FUL Roughitts Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling, therapy pool and landscaping Amendment : The applicant has submitted amended plans and provided an Energy Statement,
Sustainability Statement, Overheating Risk Assessment and an Ecological Report.
23/03464/HOUSE Meadow View Uckfield Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LL Development: Erection of pergola
23/03356/FUL  Red Kite Farm Cowden Pound Road Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NR Erection of a steel framed building
23/03557/HOUSE Boleyn Barn Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7LE Erection of single storey side extension
23/03288/WTCA Land Between Old School Cottages And Ashtrees Buckhurst Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NS  13 x Young/Semi Mature Sycamores – Fell to ground. 1 x Ash – Fell to ground. Remaining shrubs and young trees to all be felled to ground level, leaving perimeter hedge in place 
23/01605/HOUSE Amended The Bower Pond Cottage Hever Road Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LE Erection of single storey side extension to detached dwelling. Provision of shed. Relocation of patio. Alterations to fenestration. Amendment: The adjacent shed is to be included within this application as it does not have permission
23/03261/HOUSE Summer Hill Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Front and rear Infill extention within existing roof line.
23/03310/FUL Land South West Of New House Farm Bungalow Newhouse Farm Lane Hever Kent TN8 7EQ Construction of a new stable block with associated landscaping, and new access. Application now valid
23/02932/HOUSE How Green Farm How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN Development: Single storey extension with associated works. New roof with velux windows. Alterations to fenestration
23/02674/HOUSE The Mill House Ide Hill Road Four Elms Kent TN8 6NS New orangey with Roof lantern and rooflight. Infill extension with rooflights. New pool room. Extension to decking area. Landscaping
23/03223/FUL How Green Nursery How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7PS Erection of a replacement polytunnel for the purposes of horticulture
23/03197/LBCALT Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Install secondary glazing to existing windows
23/02937/WTCA Jersey Cottage Buckhurst Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NS Removal of five trees and works to various others
23/02136/FUL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Refurbishment works to agricultural barn  Amended 12/10/23 Details of amendment: The applicant has submitted an updated Ecological Appraisal following the comments from KCC Ecology.
23/02738/HOUSE Ingledene Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PG Re-building of existing Orangery with rear extension and new roof lantern. single storey extension. first floor rear extension with rooflights. Alterations to fenestrations.
SE/23/01605/HOUSE The Bower Pond Cottage, Hever Road, TN8 7LE Erection of single storey side extension to detached dwelling. Relocation of patio. Alterations to fenestration   16/10/23 Amendment: A preliminary ecological appraisal has been submitted.
23/02842/FUL Roughitts Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling, therapy pool and landscaping
 23/02494/LDCEX Land West Of High Stables Roodlands Lane Four Elms Kent Field management and manure disposal
23/02528/AGRNOT Land North Of Furnace House Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms Erection of agricultural barn.
23/01572/FUL – AMENDED APP Land South West Of New House Farm Bungalow Newhouse Farm Lane Hever Kent TN8 7EQ Construction of a new stable block with associated landscaping, sand school and new access. Amended app to include Ecological Enhancement Plan, in line with submitted Preliminary Ecological Assessment
23/02136/FUL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Refurbishment works to agricultural barn
23/02105/FUL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Change of use from agricultural use to two bedroom dwelling house.
SE/23/02428/PAE Hollow Oak, Hever Road, Hever, TN8 7NJ Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4m and eaves height of 2.5m
23/02429/LDCPR Hollow Oak, Hever Road, Hever, TN8 7NJ Two storey rear extension and single storey side extension. Alterations to fenestration, juliet balcony
23/02379/LBCALT & 23/02378/HOUSE Elylands Stick Hill Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NL Alterations to fenestration, extension and internal works.
23/01676/WTCA The Old Vicarage Cow Lane Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NX re Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area.
SE/23/01606/DETAIL Hillside, Uckfield Lane Hever TN8 7LJ  Details pursuant to condition 6 (foul and surface water drainage) of 20/02266/FUL
23/01643/HOUSE Lower Buckhurst Buckhurst Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NS Demolition of existing garage. Demolition of existing chimney. Paving. Canopy. New dormer. New chimney. Landscaping. Reconfiguration of solar panels. Alterations to roof. Alterations to fenestration. Rooflights
23/01041/HOUSE and amendment 16/6/23 Warren Cottage Hever Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7ET Erection of carport with plant room and parking alteration. Proposed swimming pool. Proposed Ground Source Heat Pump installation. Replacement driveway gates. Demolition of stable outbuilding. Amended Application – Additional information has been submitted in response to comments made by Environmental Health
23/01383/HOUSE and 23/01384/LBCALT Terrys Barn Rectory Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LH Conversion of the existing outbuilding and construction of new link to main dwelling
23/01322/FUL – Land Southwest Of Six Chimneys Five Fields Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6FR Provision of 3 new stables, hay store, wash bay, and tack room and associated hardstanding in an existing paddock; with a new pedestrian gate in the existing fence
23/00997/FUL Red Kite Farm Cowden Pound Road Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NR Erection of a steel framed building
23/01504/FUL 23/01505/LBCALT Hever Castle Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NG Restoration of the north portion of the Astor Wing to provide additional guest accommodation, and a new spa at basement level for the Astor Wing bed and  breakfast. Replacement of the Squash Court (currently utilised as store room) with a new office and guest accommodation (The Lodge). Replacement of the existing Restaurant and Shop buildings and the erection of a new building to re-provide the Miniature House Exhibition adjacent to the KSY Military Museum
23/01458/HOUSE Outwood Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Demolish existing rear, detached, garage and single storey rear extensions to the property. Replace with a single storey rear extension, with a flat roof and two flat roof lights. Alterations to fenestration
ref: 23/00874/FUL  – Land North Of Furnace House Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 5/5/23 Amended Application:The applicant has provided a desktop archaeological assessment following the comments from KCC Archaeology. Development: Partial demolition of barn. Replace with erection of new dwelling with a car port. Associated access and landscaping
22/03520/LDCEX  Mobile Home Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Confirmation of the existing use of the stable buildings and use for equestrian purposes as a Stud Farm. Erection of building and use for residential purposes in connection with Stud Farm are lawful. The applicant is asking for a formal legal determination from the Council as to whether a particular use or development is lawful under planning law. We can only consider matters of fact, such as the historic use of the site or property, rather than views about the possible impact.
22/03521/LDCEX Land Between Hever Road And Ascot Cottage Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent Confirmation of existing use of stable buildings and use for equestrian purposes as a Stud Farm are lawful. Erection of building and use for residential purposes in connection with Stud Farm are lawful.
SE/23/00435/NMA – Hever Village Hall Non-material amendment to 22/01581/FUL
SE/23/00421/AGRNOT Land At Reynolds Farm, Clinton Lane, Bough Beech Kent New General Purpose Agricultural Building and access track of free draining stone
23/00620/LDCEX The Woodyard How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7NN Confirmation that use of existing one bedroom flat above office as a dwelling house is lawful.
23/00739/FUL – Land East Of Churchyard St Peters Church Church Road Hever Kent TN8 7NH  Construction of a part buried plant room, with an integrated fuel storage silo, to house a woodchip 200kW biomass boiler and back-up oil boiler to supply heat to the Primary School, the Church, King Henry VIII Pub, Gyll Cottage, Church Cottage, 1-4 Gymnasium Cottages and the newly built Village Hall.
ref: 23/00874/FUL  – Land North Of Furnace House Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 Partial demolition of barn. Replace with erection of new dwelling with a car port. Associated access and landscaping
23/00954/HOUSE Rose Cottage Cow Lane Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NX Demolition of porch, erection of part single, part two storey side and rear extension, relocation of entrance to house.
23/00252/LDCEX Coach House Edells Blowers Hill Mark Beech Kent TN8 5PB The conversion/rebuild and use of The Coach House as an independent dwelling house
23/00074/HOUSE HOUSE How Green South How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN Conversion of garage for ancillary habitable accommodation
23/00162/LDCEX Single Storey Outbuilding Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Development: Use of building No. 2 (Lotte’s House) as a dwellinghouse
23/00101/FUL Blackmoor House Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PG  Proposed extension of existing riding menage, erection of `proposed stables, angle of existing access from Roodlands Lane to be widened, existing hay barn to be relocated and proposed associated muck heap and parking for horse lorry
23/00130/FUL Holiday Let Building Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX : Change of use of single storey contemporary outbuilding formerly used as home yoga studio to provide holiday let accommodation.
23/00129/LBCALT Polebrook Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NJ Internal works to Grade II listed oast to create more sleeping and bathing facilities and replacement of 1990’s solid timber doors with part glazed units
23/00119/LDCEX Two Storey Outbuilding Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Use of building No. 3 (Megan’s House) as a dwellinghouse
23/00026/FUL The Dyehurst Stud Dyehurst Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LB  Extension to existing tennis court changing room building to include glass link and converted car port (relocated as per 20/03755/HOUSE); to create 1 bedroom dwelling with associated works
22/03573/HOUSE Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LX Single storey ancillary residential outbuilding
22/03566/HOUSE Hazeldene Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LJ Proposed two storey rear extension with changes to the roof. Internal and fenestration alterations.
22/03264/HOUSE  Oak House Mapleton Road Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PL Rear single storey extension
22/03217/FUL Land Adjoining 1 Keepers Cottages Pigdown Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LU Conversion of stables to create new dwelling with associated parking, private space and landscaping) and erection of new stable block on existing slab
22/02730/LDCEX Wincots How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN

Development: New vehicular access to serve dwelling at Wincots including provision of post and rail fence, gates, piers and associated permeable hardstanding

Application Granted

22/01896/FUL Wilderness Farm Wilderness Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LP

Demolition of existing timber barn and erection of a 3-bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping. The applicant has submitted revised elevations and plans following the Conservation comments received on the initial scheme

Application Granted

22/02877/FUL The Greyhound Inn Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LJ Change of use of the public house premises to a dwelling along with alterations to fenestration and erection of a porch



Polebrook Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NJ Proposed refurbishment and alteration to fenestration of outbuilding adjacent to oast and proposed new freestanding Gardeners store.

22/02243/AGDET Land East of Blacklands Shaw Pigdown Lane

Land East Of Blacklands Shaw Pigdown Lane Hever

Details relating to barn, welfare unit & polytunnel for 22/01813/AGRNOT

Application Granted

22/02335/HOUSE The Dyehurst Stud Dyehurst Lane Hever

The Dyehurst Stud Dyehurst Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LB

Erection of porch

22/02414/HOUSE  Fir Tree Cottage 4 Park Place Pigdown Lane Hever

Fir Tree Cottage 4 Park Place Pigdown Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent

Erection of rear wall to enclose the veranda

Application Granted

21/03201/OUT Hever Stud Land West Of Hever Road Hever

Hever Stud Land West Of Hever Road Hever KENT – Appeal

SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00042/RFPLN Outline application for provision of two new equine isolation units with all matters reserved https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk. The Planning Inspectorate appeal reference is APP/G2245/W/22/3298185

22/02306/MMA How Green South

How Green South How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN

Amendment to 20/02255/HOUSE

Application Granted

21/04114/LDCEX Land North Of Brocas North Farm

Land North Of Brocas North Farm Brocas Road Hever EDENBRIDGE Kent TN8 7LE

Confirmation of use of building as a C3 dwelling house. The applicant has submitted additional documents showing council tax record and a statement of truth.

Application Granted

21/04198/FUL – Medhurst Row Farm

Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX

Development: Conversion of existing stables to provide ancillary accommodation to main house. The applicant has submitted an detail heritage statement and revised plans in response to conservation and heritage comment

22/01970/PAC – Furnace Barn

Furnace End, Roodlands Lane

Prior notification for a change of use from agricultural use to dwelling house and associated operational development. This application is made under Class Q of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015

Application Granted

22/01762/HOUSE – Little Four Elms Farm

Bough Beech Road Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6NE

Development: Removal of hedge and construction of a wall as an extension to an existing boundary wall

Application Granted

22/01896/FUL – Wilderness Farm

Wilderness Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LP

Demolition of existing timber barn and erection of a 3-bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping

22/01566/FUL – Hever Hotel and 22/01567/LBCALT – Hever Hotel

Hever Hotel Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NP

Development: Single storey extension for ancillary store room at rear of function room

22/02034/LBCALT Moorcocks How Green Lane and 22/02033/HOUSE Moorcocks How Green Lane

Moorcocks, How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7PT

Development: Proposed demolition of existing modern single storey extensions and replacement with two storey extension and dormer. Creation of roof over proposed new side door. Alterations to fenestations. Minor internal alterations. Provision of replacement pool house. Demolition of existing outbuildings. Associated landscape works

Application Granted

22/02200/HOUSE Wedgewood Uckfield Lane Hever

Wedgewood, Uckfield Lane, Hever, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7LJ

Development: Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of a new single storey side extension. Demolition of existing dormer to side elevation and extension of the existing roof to form a new dormer. Minor fenestration amendments. Demolition of existing garage and construction of new single garage. Associated hard and soft landscaping construction of new single garage. Associated hard and soft landscaping.

Current Public Consultations

Sevenoaks Plan 2040 Residents are being asked for their views on ‘Plan 2040’ the new Local Plan, which will provide new infrastructure to meet the future housing and economic needs of the Sevenoaks District.  Residents can view the new Local Plan and have their say at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/plan2040. Alternatively they can call the Council on 01732 227000 to request a paper copy of the survey.

Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (the Plan) Review  Regulation 18 Public Consultation. Please click here for details:  Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (the Plan) Review Consultation Letter KMWLP 1022

Update to the Kent Mineral Sites Plan 2020 Call for Sites – Hard Rock. Please click here for details: Consultation Letter Mineral Sites Plan – call for sites hard rock 1022

The consultation period runs from Monday 24th October 2022 until midnight on Monday 4th December 2022.

Hever Parish Council acts as a consultee for all planning applications in the parish.  Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) is the planning authority and will decide whether or not an application is granted, receiving comments made by the Parish Council and other consultees, such as Kent Highway Services,  The Environment Agency and any member of the public.  SDC have no obligation to agree with or take these comments into account.

The final decision is made by the Planning Authority and not  the Parish Council.

  • Parish councils are statutory consultees and have no powers to approve or reject planning applications, they can only comment (or not) on applications.
  • Parish Councils are not obliged to respond to any application it is consulted on.

Hever Parish Council will only comment on what are known as “material considerations” *

If you would like to submit a comment to Sevenoaks District Council, either for or against an application, please send a copy to the Clerk of the Parish Council (clerk@hever.org) and we will take your comments into consideration whilst discussing the application.  If you would like to know when an application will be considered by the Parish Council, to share further information or give us your views, please contact the Clerk.

To view applications on the Sevenoaks District Council website, see http://pa.sevenoaks.gov.uk/online-applications, then enter the application number without the SE prefix, for example Ref. No: 09/00009/FUL, in the search box.

Current Planning Applications:

Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/G2245/C/24/3352309  SDC Ref: 24/00052/ENF : Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP

Nature: Appeal against issue of Enforcement Notice for: Without Planning Permission: The material change of the use of the land from equestrian and recreational land, to use as a residential caravan/mobile home site; Continued siting of mobile homes beyond the 28 days Caravan Licence period; Erection of a residential building; Engineering operations, including the creation of areas of hardstanding and access roads; Installation of a security camera.

Any comments should be submitted via: http://www.gov.uk/appeal-planning-inspectorate by 11th November 2024.

There will also be an Appeal Hearing – date to be confirmed



24/01474/REM Mobile Home Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Development: Reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for two new equine isolation units pursuant to conditions 1, 5,6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 13 of 23/03241/OUT for provision of two new equine isolation units with all matters reserved.
24/01483/LBCALT Oak House Mapleton Road Four Elms Kent TN8 6PL : Reopening existing blocked up doorway, alterations to fenestration and internal alterations.
24/01243/HOUSE Oak House Farm Mapleton Road Four Elms Kent TN8 6PL Development: Demolition of existing garage and erection of newly proposed garage.
24/01141/LDCEX  Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent Vehicular Access Roads and Parking. Entrance Gates and Gate Posts. Retaining Wall. Pedestrian access steps to lower level
24/01260/FUL Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Conversion of existing first floor space within forestry building to provide pottery and craft studio including provision of external staircase to first floor space
24/00292/FUL Land South Of Tainters Hill Hever Road Hever Kent (Hever Castle) Construction of a boiler house & fuel silo, installation of a biomass (wood) heating boiler & installation of underground district heating pipe network
24/00447/HOUSE   Little Warren Farm Hever Lane Hever Kent TN8 7ET Single storey extensions to rear and front; front porch. & Amendement 6.24 – Ecological information supplied


23/00018/RFLDCE   21/02541/LDCEX

Little Postlings Farm Five Fields Lane Four Elms KENT TN8 6NA

Siting of two porta-cabins. Siting of two lorry backs. Siting of Building 12 a permanent field shelter for horses. Hardstanding.  Refusal of LDC (Existing).

Appeal lodged 4.23

22/00089/FUL  SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00084/RFPLN

Field 200M South East Of Junction With New House Farm Road  Hever Road  Edenbridge

Installation of the access gate to a plot of land from Hever Road, the formation of parking area and the change of use to personal Agriculture. An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the Sevenoaks District Council’s refusal of planning permission for the development described above.

HPC Comment: Hever Parish Council continue to object to this application. This application has access to the Hever Road, which is very close to an area that has been identified as a road safety concern on the Highways Improvement Plan. In addition, HPC question the suitability of vehicular access on the low-lying ground the site is located on, as it frequently becomes saturated during winter months. HPC also suggest more clarity of exact agricultural usage is sought.

SE/21/02890/FUL           APP/G2245/W/22/3303974

Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge

Enlargement of Gypsy travellers site, by way of additional 5 mobile homes and 5 touring caravans.

SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00071/RFPLN – An appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the Sevenoaks District Council’s refusal of planning permission for the development described above.

22/00074/ENF Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge Appeal against issue of Enforcement Notice: Without Planning Permission, the carrying out of unauthorised engineering operations, including excavation, changes to land levels and the importation and excavation of material such as rubble, waste and soil , and the change of use of the land to residential use (gypsy and traveller) and for the stationing of caravans.
23/00039/RFPLN   Land West Of High Stables Roodlands Lane Four Elms Kent Proposed extension of existing riding menage, erection of `proposed stables, angle of existing access from Roodlands Lane to be widened, existing hay barn to be relocated and proposed associated muck heap and parking for horse lorry. Appeal lodged against refusal.
 22/00089/FUL  SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00084/RFPLN Field 200M South East Of Junction With New House Farm Road  Hever Road  Edenbridge Installation of the access gate to a plot of land from Hever Road, the formation of parking area and the change of use to personal Agriculture
SE/21/02890/FUL           APP/G2245/W/22/3303974  Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge Enlargement of Gypsy travellers site, by way of additional 5 mobile homes and 5 touring caravans.
22/00074/ENF Seven Acre Farm, Hever Road, Edenbridge Appeal against issue of Enforcement Notice: Without Planning Permission, the carrying out of unauthorised engineering operations, including excavation, changes to land levels and the importation and excavation of material such as rubble, waste and soil , and the change of use of the land to residential use (gypsy and traveller) and for the stationing of caravans.

Previous Applications:


24/00719/FUL The Stables North West Of Log Cabin Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Conversion of existing L shaped stable building to provide a one bedroom dwelling with associated amenity space
24/00951/HOUSE 1 Keepers Cottages Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LU  Erection of a 40sqm ancillary domestic outbuilding for use as a home gym. Removal of hardstanding and an outbuilding.
24/00892/AGRNOT Land East Of Owls Court Five Fields Lane Four Elms A 80′ x 35′ steel portal framed farm barn
23/03709/HOUSE Warren Cottage Hever Lane Hever Kent TN8 7ET Erection of carport with plant room and parking alteration, Proposed swimming pool. Proposed Ground Source Heat Pump and Air Source Heat Pump installations. Replacement driveway gates. Demolition of stable outbuilding and Green house and associated landscaping.
23/02105/FUL – Amended   24/00221/DETAIL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Change of use from agricultural use to two bedroom dwelling house. I previously wrote to you about the application received by the Council for this site. The application has now been amended, and a summary of the main changes is set out below; The applicant has provided a remedial method statement. Further letter sent to confirm this relates to 24/00221/DETAIL and no consultation required
24/00758/FUL Land South West Of New House Farm Bungalow Newhouse Farm Lane Hever Kent  TN8 7EQ Construction of a new stable block with associated landscaping, and new access
24/00016/FUL Open View How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7PS Development: Demolition of two storage buildings with sub-division of land with conversion of garage into a 2 Bedroom Dwelling. Amendment: The existing garage plans were labelled as proposed on both the drawing itself and on
public access. Both have now been updated.
 24/00449/FUL  The Hollies How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7NN Oak framed car port for three cars
24/00447/HOUSE  Little Warren Farm Hever Lane Hever Kent TN8 7ET Single storey extensions to rear and front; front porch.
24/00070/FUL Roughitts Uckfield Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LR Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling, therapy pool and landscaping. Amendment: The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, a site plan and a planting plan
23/03241/OUT Hever Stud Farm Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Outline application for provision of two new equine isolation units with all matters reserved.
23/03317/HOUSE Willow Cottage How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN Development: New roller shutter door for existing open forestry store.
23/03495/HOUSE) The Hollies How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7NN PROPOSED OAK FRAMED CAR PORT FOR 3 CARS
23/02738/HOUSE Ingledene Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PG Development: Re-building of existing Orangery with rear extension and new roof lantern. single storey extension. first floor rear extension with rooflights. Alterations to fenestrations Amendment: The plans have been updated to better reflect the appearance of the host property. Additionally, plans for an existing bin store have been provided.
23/02842/FUL Roughitts Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling, therapy pool and landscaping Amendment : The applicant has submitted amended plans and provided an Energy Statement,
Sustainability Statement, Overheating Risk Assessment and an Ecological Report.
23/03464/HOUSE Meadow View Uckfield Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LL Development: Erection of pergola
23/03356/FUL  Red Kite Farm Cowden Pound Road Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NR Erection of a steel framed building
23/03557/HOUSE Boleyn Barn Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7LE Erection of single storey side extension
23/03288/WTCA Land Between Old School Cottages And Ashtrees Buckhurst Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NS  13 x Young/Semi Mature Sycamores – Fell to ground. 1 x Ash – Fell to ground. Remaining shrubs and young trees to all be felled to ground level, leaving perimeter hedge in place 
23/01605/HOUSE Amended The Bower Pond Cottage Hever Road Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LE Erection of single storey side extension to detached dwelling. Provision of shed. Relocation of patio. Alterations to fenestration. Amendment: The adjacent shed is to be included within this application as it does not have permission
23/03261/HOUSE Summer Hill Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Front and rear Infill extention within existing roof line.
23/03310/FUL Land South West Of New House Farm Bungalow Newhouse Farm Lane Hever Kent TN8 7EQ Construction of a new stable block with associated landscaping, and new access. Application now valid
23/02932/HOUSE How Green Farm How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN Development: Single storey extension with associated works. New roof with velux windows. Alterations to fenestration
23/02674/HOUSE The Mill House Ide Hill Road Four Elms Kent TN8 6NS New orangey with Roof lantern and rooflight. Infill extension with rooflights. New pool room. Extension to decking area. Landscaping
23/03223/FUL How Green Nursery How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7PS Erection of a replacement polytunnel for the purposes of horticulture
23/03197/LBCALT Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Install secondary glazing to existing windows
23/02937/WTCA Jersey Cottage Buckhurst Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NS Removal of five trees and works to various others
23/02136/FUL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Refurbishment works to agricultural barn  Amended 12/10/23 Details of amendment: The applicant has submitted an updated Ecological Appraisal following the comments from KCC Ecology.
23/02738/HOUSE Ingledene Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PG Re-building of existing Orangery with rear extension and new roof lantern. single storey extension. first floor rear extension with rooflights. Alterations to fenestrations.
SE/23/01605/HOUSE The Bower Pond Cottage, Hever Road, TN8 7LE Erection of single storey side extension to detached dwelling. Relocation of patio. Alterations to fenestration   16/10/23 Amendment: A preliminary ecological appraisal has been submitted.
23/02842/FUL Roughitts Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling, therapy pool and landscaping
 23/02494/LDCEX Land West Of High Stables Roodlands Lane Four Elms Kent Field management and manure disposal
23/02528/AGRNOT Land North Of Furnace House Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms Erection of agricultural barn.
23/01572/FUL – AMENDED APP Land South West Of New House Farm Bungalow Newhouse Farm Lane Hever Kent TN8 7EQ Construction of a new stable block with associated landscaping, sand school and new access. Amended app to include Ecological Enhancement Plan, in line with submitted Preliminary Ecological Assessment
23/02136/FUL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Refurbishment works to agricultural barn
23/02105/FUL Medhurst Row Farm Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX Change of use from agricultural use to two bedroom dwelling house.
SE/23/02428/PAE Hollow Oak, Hever Road, Hever, TN8 7NJ Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4m and eaves height of 2.5m
23/02429/LDCPR Hollow Oak, Hever Road, Hever, TN8 7NJ Two storey rear extension and single storey side extension. Alterations to fenestration, juliet balcony
23/02379/LBCALT & 23/02378/HOUSE Elylands Stick Hill Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NL Alterations to fenestration, extension and internal works.
23/01676/WTCA The Old Vicarage Cow Lane Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NX re Notice of work to trees in a Conservation Area.
SE/23/01606/DETAIL Hillside, Uckfield Lane Hever TN8 7LJ  Details pursuant to condition 6 (foul and surface water drainage) of 20/02266/FUL
23/01643/HOUSE Lower Buckhurst Buckhurst Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NS Demolition of existing garage. Demolition of existing chimney. Paving. Canopy. New dormer. New chimney. Landscaping. Reconfiguration of solar panels. Alterations to roof. Alterations to fenestration. Rooflights
23/01041/HOUSE and amendment 16/6/23 Warren Cottage Hever Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7ET Erection of carport with plant room and parking alteration. Proposed swimming pool. Proposed Ground Source Heat Pump installation. Replacement driveway gates. Demolition of stable outbuilding. Amended Application – Additional information has been submitted in response to comments made by Environmental Health
23/01383/HOUSE and 23/01384/LBCALT Terrys Barn Rectory Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LH Conversion of the existing outbuilding and construction of new link to main dwelling
23/01322/FUL – Land Southwest Of Six Chimneys Five Fields Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6FR Provision of 3 new stables, hay store, wash bay, and tack room and associated hardstanding in an existing paddock; with a new pedestrian gate in the existing fence
23/00997/FUL Red Kite Farm Cowden Pound Road Mark Beech Kent TN8 5NR Erection of a steel framed building
23/01504/FUL 23/01505/LBCALT Hever Castle Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NG Restoration of the north portion of the Astor Wing to provide additional guest accommodation, and a new spa at basement level for the Astor Wing bed and  breakfast. Replacement of the Squash Court (currently utilised as store room) with a new office and guest accommodation (The Lodge). Replacement of the existing Restaurant and Shop buildings and the erection of a new building to re-provide the Miniature House Exhibition adjacent to the KSY Military Museum
23/01458/HOUSE Outwood Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LR Demolish existing rear, detached, garage and single storey rear extensions to the property. Replace with a single storey rear extension, with a flat roof and two flat roof lights. Alterations to fenestration
ref: 23/00874/FUL  – Land North Of Furnace House Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 5/5/23 Amended Application:The applicant has provided a desktop archaeological assessment following the comments from KCC Archaeology. Development: Partial demolition of barn. Replace with erection of new dwelling with a car port. Associated access and landscaping
22/03520/LDCEX  Mobile Home Land West Of Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Confirmation of the existing use of the stable buildings and use for equestrian purposes as a Stud Farm. Erection of building and use for residential purposes in connection with Stud Farm are lawful. The applicant is asking for a formal legal determination from the Council as to whether a particular use or development is lawful under planning law. We can only consider matters of fact, such as the historic use of the site or property, rather than views about the possible impact.
22/03521/LDCEX Land Between Hever Road And Ascot Cottage Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent Confirmation of existing use of stable buildings and use for equestrian purposes as a Stud Farm are lawful. Erection of building and use for residential purposes in connection with Stud Farm are lawful.
SE/23/00435/NMA – Hever Village Hall Non-material amendment to 22/01581/FUL
SE/23/00421/AGRNOT Land At Reynolds Farm, Clinton Lane, Bough Beech Kent New General Purpose Agricultural Building and access track of free draining stone
23/00620/LDCEX The Woodyard How Green Lane Hever Kent TN8 7NN Confirmation that use of existing one bedroom flat above office as a dwelling house is lawful.
23/00739/FUL – Land East Of Churchyard St Peters Church Church Road Hever Kent TN8 7NH  Construction of a part buried plant room, with an integrated fuel storage silo, to house a woodchip 200kW biomass boiler and back-up oil boiler to supply heat to the Primary School, the Church, King Henry VIII Pub, Gyll Cottage, Church Cottage, 1-4 Gymnasium Cottages and the newly built Village Hall.
ref: 23/00874/FUL  – Land North Of Furnace House Farm Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 Partial demolition of barn. Replace with erection of new dwelling with a car port. Associated access and landscaping
23/00954/HOUSE Rose Cottage Cow Lane Mark Beech Edenbridge Kent TN8 5NX Demolition of porch, erection of part single, part two storey side and rear extension, relocation of entrance to house.
23/00252/LDCEX Coach House Edells Blowers Hill Mark Beech Kent TN8 5PB The conversion/rebuild and use of The Coach House as an independent dwelling house
23/00074/HOUSE HOUSE How Green South How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN Conversion of garage for ancillary habitable accommodation
23/00162/LDCEX Single Storey Outbuilding Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Development: Use of building No. 2 (Lotte’s House) as a dwellinghouse
23/00101/FUL Blackmoor House Roodlands Lane Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PG  Proposed extension of existing riding menage, erection of `proposed stables, angle of existing access from Roodlands Lane to be widened, existing hay barn to be relocated and proposed associated muck heap and parking for horse lorry
23/00130/FUL Holiday Let Building Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX : Change of use of single storey contemporary outbuilding formerly used as home yoga studio to provide holiday let accommodation.
23/00129/LBCALT Polebrook Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NJ Internal works to Grade II listed oast to create more sleeping and bathing facilities and replacement of 1990’s solid timber doors with part glazed units
23/00119/LDCEX Two Storey Outbuilding Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Kent TN8 7LX Use of building No. 3 (Megan’s House) as a dwellinghouse
23/00026/FUL The Dyehurst Stud Dyehurst Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LB  Extension to existing tennis court changing room building to include glass link and converted car port (relocated as per 20/03755/HOUSE); to create 1 bedroom dwelling with associated works
22/03573/HOUSE Pigdown Plantation Pigdown Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LX Single storey ancillary residential outbuilding
22/03566/HOUSE Hazeldene Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LJ Proposed two storey rear extension with changes to the roof. Internal and fenestration alterations.
22/03264/HOUSE  Oak House Mapleton Road Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6PL Rear single storey extension
22/03217/FUL Land Adjoining 1 Keepers Cottages Pigdown Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LU Conversion of stables to create new dwelling with associated parking, private space and landscaping) and erection of new stable block on existing slab
22/02730/LDCEX Wincots How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN

Development: New vehicular access to serve dwelling at Wincots including provision of post and rail fence, gates, piers and associated permeable hardstanding

Application Granted

22/01896/FUL Wilderness Farm Wilderness Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LP

Demolition of existing timber barn and erection of a 3-bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping. The applicant has submitted revised elevations and plans following the Conservation comments received on the initial scheme

Application Granted

22/02877/FUL The Greyhound Inn Uckfield Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LJ Change of use of the public house premises to a dwelling along with alterations to fenestration and erection of a porch



Polebrook Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NJ Proposed refurbishment and alteration to fenestration of outbuilding adjacent to oast and proposed new freestanding Gardeners store.

22/02243/AGDET Land East of Blacklands Shaw Pigdown Lane

Land East Of Blacklands Shaw Pigdown Lane Hever

Details relating to barn, welfare unit & polytunnel for 22/01813/AGRNOT

Application Granted

22/02335/HOUSE The Dyehurst Stud Dyehurst Lane Hever

The Dyehurst Stud Dyehurst Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LB

Erection of porch

22/02414/HOUSE  Fir Tree Cottage 4 Park Place Pigdown Lane Hever

Fir Tree Cottage 4 Park Place Pigdown Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent

Erection of rear wall to enclose the veranda

Application Granted

21/03201/OUT Hever Stud Land West Of Hever Road Hever

Hever Stud Land West Of Hever Road Hever KENT – Appeal

SDC Appeal Ref: 22/00042/RFPLN Outline application for provision of two new equine isolation units with all matters reserved https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk. The Planning Inspectorate appeal reference is APP/G2245/W/22/3298185

22/02306/MMA How Green South

How Green South How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NN

Amendment to 20/02255/HOUSE

Application Granted

21/04114/LDCEX Land North Of Brocas North Farm

Land North Of Brocas North Farm Brocas Road Hever EDENBRIDGE Kent TN8 7LE

Confirmation of use of building as a C3 dwelling house. The applicant has submitted additional documents showing council tax record and a statement of truth.

Application Granted

21/04198/FUL – Medhurst Row Farm

Prettymans Lane Edenbridge Kent TN8 6LX

Development: Conversion of existing stables to provide ancillary accommodation to main house. The applicant has submitted an detail heritage statement and revised plans in response to conservation and heritage comment

22/01970/PAC – Furnace Barn

Furnace End, Roodlands Lane

Prior notification for a change of use from agricultural use to dwelling house and associated operational development. This application is made under Class Q of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015

Application Granted

22/01762/HOUSE – Little Four Elms Farm

Bough Beech Road Four Elms Edenbridge Kent TN8 6NE

Development: Removal of hedge and construction of a wall as an extension to an existing boundary wall

Application Granted

22/01896/FUL – Wilderness Farm

Wilderness Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7LP

Demolition of existing timber barn and erection of a 3-bedroom dwelling with associated parking and landscaping

22/01566/FUL – Hever Hotel and 22/01567/LBCALT – Hever Hotel

Hever Hotel Hever Road Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7NP

Development: Single storey extension for ancillary store room at rear of function room

22/02034/LBCALT Moorcocks How Green Lane and 22/02033/HOUSE Moorcocks How Green Lane

Moorcocks, How Green Lane Hever Edenbridge Kent TN8 7PT

Development: Proposed demolition of existing modern single storey extensions and replacement with two storey extension and dormer. Creation of roof over proposed new side door. Alterations to fenestations. Minor internal alterations. Provision of replacement pool house. Demolition of existing outbuildings. Associated landscape works

Application Granted

22/02200/HOUSE Wedgewood Uckfield Lane Hever

Wedgewood, Uckfield Lane, Hever, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7LJ

Development: Demolition of the existing conservatory and construction of a new single storey side extension. Demolition of existing dormer to side elevation and extension of the existing roof to form a new dormer. Minor fenestration amendments. Demolition of existing garage and construction of new single garage. Associated hard and soft landscaping construction of new single garage. Associated hard and soft landscaping.

Current Public Consultations

Sevenoaks Plan 2040 Residents are being asked for their views on ‘Plan 2040’ the new Local Plan, which will provide new infrastructure to meet the future housing and economic needs of the Sevenoaks District.  Residents can view the new Local Plan and have their say at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/plan2040. Alternatively they can call the Council on 01732 227000 to request a paper copy of the survey.

Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (the Plan) Review  Regulation 18 Public Consultation. Please click here for details:  Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (the Plan) Review Consultation Letter KMWLP 1022

Update to the Kent Mineral Sites Plan 2020 Call for Sites – Hard Rock. Please click here for details: Consultation Letter Mineral Sites Plan – call for sites hard rock 1022

The consultation period runs from Monday 24th October 2022 until midnight on Monday 4th December 2022.