To:       The Members of Hever Parish Council.  I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at MARKBEECH Village Hall on TUESDAY 17 TH SEPTEMBER 2019 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.

Signed; Clerk             Date   10.09.19  *attachment / printed copy

To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
  2. *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (16.07.19) (Chair).
  3. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

  • David De waal, Four Elms attending to propose school holiday sports camp (using Four Elms primary school and accessing Recreation ground).

Items for discussion / decision;

  1. Co – option of Duncan Leslie (DL) to post of Councillor, Hever ward, Hever Parish Council (following meeting on 16.07.19).

4i.        DL to confirm that qualified to hold office – meets the criteria for eligibility set out in s.9 of the 1972 Act and is not disqualified, pursuant to s.80 of the 1972 Act.

4ii.       Sign the declaration of acceptance of office in the presence of the Clerk / Cllr.

4iii.      Sign HPC Code of Conduct (2019).

4iii.      Register and declare pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests (within 28 days).

Note; if an interest is NOT entered onto the authority’s register, then the member must disclose the interest to any meeting of the authority at which they are present, where they have a disclosable interest in any matter being considered and where the matter is not a “sensitive interest”.  The Monitoring Officer must be notified then within 28 days.

  1. 5. *2020 – 2021 budget. Finance committee meeting (JH, HW, CC, AH) to be held in October.  Any proposals from the full Council relating to next year spending / projects and budget plans?

2019 – 2020 budget and finance update attached.


  1. Retirement of Dr. Morrison, Edenbridge medical centre. Does the Council wish to respond to

locals request to commemorate this event?  The medical centre are NOT organising a retirement fund

from the wider community.


  1. Local Councils and climate change. Does the Council wish to have a policy towards climate change?


  1. To note the Four Elms playground annual safety inspection report and measures required / taken.
  2. Update on Footpath diversions. This consultation was considered at the Hever Parish Council meeting on 16th July.  Plan One shows the existing path SR568 which is to be extinguished, and then Plan Two the proposed new route for SR58, following the line of the river.  [Hever parish]. Plan Three shows the route of SR563 which is to be extinguished, and the proposed new route for it.  [Hever parish].  Plan Four shows the same thing for SR622.  This change is already in practice ‘on the ground’.  [Edenbridge parish]

The applicant has been made aware by myself and the Area Rights of Way Manager that works would be required to provide a new path adjacent to the river.  It would not simply be left in its current state should his application be successful. There is, at this stage of the process no requirement to erect any notices.  However, should the County Council decide to proceed to the next and more formal Order making stage there is a legal requirement for Notices to be posted at each end of the affected routes and published in a Newspaper circulating in the area.  There is also a formal requirement that such Notices are sent at the same time to a number of prescribed organisations of which your Council is one”. KCC

  1. Bus shelter grants applications. To report on the successful application to KCC for funds (50%) of the costs towards renovations at the Four Elms bus shelter (towards Ide Hill) and Markbeech.

11i.      Annual external audit (PKF Littlejohn) completed successfully without recommendations.


11ii.     Hever station.  To note the report; and subsequent discussions

between HPC, HRA and Southern Community Rail Partnership regarding possible improvements to; Rail

replacement bus service, cycle racks, possible coffee vending outlet, walking routes, water fountain etc.

Does the Council support the Clerk’s involvement in these issues?


  1. Gatwick update (SL, RBS)


The first stages in the DCO process will see Gatwick carry out surveys and preparation of detailed environmental information on the standby runway plans later this year. This information, together with further details on the plans, will then be subject to a period of public consultation to allow local residents, councils, businesses, community groups and other key parties to have a say on the plans. Gatwick expects public consultation to take place next year.
Once consultation has been completed, further updates to the plans will be made before a final DCO submission is made to the Planning Inspectorate. Gatwick’s proposals will then be examined with interested parties able to make further representations. Following the examination, the Planning Inspectorate will then provide a recommendation to the Secretary of State, who will then publish a decision

12ii.     From “Gatwick Obviously Not”;  Tom Tugendhat MBE MP sent us this message this morning:

Gatwick Airport’s plans to have up to three runways in operation do not represent a sustainable plan for our local community. It would mean more noise, more carbon emissions and more health problems, and would damage the economic prosperity and environmental sustainability of our villages.”  We couldn’t agree more.  100 newsletters, 5 years, and 1 consistent message – Gatwick? Obviously Not!

Gatwick recently announced plans to increase traffic by close to 40%. Partly through advances in technology, partly by bringing in their existing ‘standby’ runway for more frequent use.

We think this is wrong on every possible level and will be coming back to you all shortly with how we intend to stop them – with your help.  And I do believe they can be stopped.  Intense concentration of flight paths would be just one of the results. Back in 2014, we called them noise ghettos. It seems even the CAA’s former CEO Andrew Haines agreed. He had this to say on the matter way back in 2017:

CAA chief Andrew Haines told Heathrow Community Noise Forum yesterday flightpath concentration rarely an answer as can create ‘noise sewers’.” (Source: John Stewart, HACAN–community/growing-gatwick/master-plan-2019/gatwick-consultation-report.pdf

I look forward to coming back to you soon on our own Master Plan to stop Gatwick and their runaway expansion plans.  August 28th 2019


12iii.    “We would like to invite your council to join the CAGNE Aviation Town and Parish Council Forum that is run by elected councillors for councils and conforms to council’s code of conduct requirements.
The Forum is separate from the community and environmental lobby group CAGNE.
To date 27 councils are members of the Forum from the north, south, east and west of the airport and we would be delighted for you to join.
The Forum is free to join with members receiving newsletters and at least two meetings a year.  It has its own website which contains an aviation jargon buster, latest news from meetings at Gatwick Airport and reports”.


As well as being members of HWCAAG, does the Council wish to join 12iii and / or take any other action in reaction to 12i / 10ii / 10iii?


  1. *To consider any grant applications received. Four Elms village hall £1,000 for sit on mower.

Dear Parish/Town Clerk, As you may be aware, Sevenoaks District Council is legally required to determine the polling districts (the geographical areas that determine which polling station electors must vote at) and polling places (the venues where the Returning Officer will allocate polling stations at an election). We must keep these under review, and must by law complete a formal review this year.  As elected representatives of residents of part of the Sevenoaks District Council area, your parish/town councillors are invited to contribute to our review. The consultation period runs from 31 July 2019 to 1 October 2019. If you wish to comment on the draft proposals, you may either email, or write Does the Council wish to participate in the Consultation?  Whom to action?


  1. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (Chair)

Items for updating on / for information;

  1. GDPR – to update any developments or actions required.
  2. *Planning; applications responded to and outcomes – attached to agenda.
  3. *Financial update. (Clerk).
  4. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda

(not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH)


  1. Other correspondence for noting. This may include items from the Kent Association of Local Councils / National Association of Local Councils.

Sevenoaks District Council’s Local Plan will be tested at a series of public examination hearings beginning next month.  The Local Plan comprises of proposals for new homes, business space and community improvements while continuing to protect the much-cherished Green Belt. Residents have played an important role in the development of the Plan by responding to three District-wide consultations in their thousands.  Karen Baker (DipTP MA DipMP MRTPI), a Government Planning Inspector, will chair the hearings that will check the Plan meets all the legal requirements and meets the future development needs of the District.   These hearings are open to the public who can come along and listen to any of the discussions. Residents who have previously registered an interest in speaking at these hearings may also be called upon by the Inspector to have their say.  The hearing sessions will take place as follows:

  • Week one – 24 to 27 September 2019 – The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
  • Week two – 1 to 3 October 2019 – The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
  • Week three – 5 to 7 November 2019 – The Stag Theatre, Sevenoaks
  • Week four – 12 to 15 November 2019 – Sevenoaks District Council Offices, Argyle Road.

Morning sessions begin at 10am and afternoon sessions begin at 2pm.  If approved, the Local Plan will become the foundation upon which all future planning applications in the District will be determined for the next two decades.


The Sevenoaks District Council Community Infrastructure Levy fund is open to any organisation to bid for funding to help delivery local and/or strategic infrastructure projects which will benefit the local community. You can make your bid for CIL funding through the online CIL Spending Board Application portal. You can also download the application pro-forma from the portal as well and submit electronically or by post. To access the portal please visit

The next CIL Spending Board will be held on the week commencing Monday 09 December 2019. In order for your funding bid to be considered, all applications must be received by no later than 5pm on Monday 30 September 2019.


Bulk refuse freighter Saturday 21st September Four Elms VILLAGE HALL 8 – 9.15am then
Markbeech village hall 9.30 – 10.45am

It cannot take Electrical Appliances/ Metal / Hard Core / Large Amounts of Garden Waste / Large Panes of Glass / Oil or Paint.
This includes items like fluorescent tubes, TVs & computer monitors, batteries, oil tins and filters, paint and paint tins and chemical containers. These items must be taken to your nearest Household Waste Recycling Centre. Compostable garden waste cannot be accepted either. Please do not leave any rubbish unattended. Please DO NOT arrive early or leave items on site, otherwise will be classed as flytipping and information passed to the police, thank you.

This is a service provided by Sevenoaks District Council and funded entirely by Hever Parish Council.


Thursday 21st November Hever village hall


2020 – 2021 budget proposal & Sept 2019 finance update