Hever Parish Council meeting tomorrow, at Hever village hall, Tuesday 17th March has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers of Councillors being able to attend (for a variety of reasons). Items will be transferred to the next scheduled meeting in May.
To: The Members of Hever Parish Council. I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at HEVER Village Hall on TUESDAY 17th MARCH 2020 commencing at 7.30pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Signed; Clerk Date 09.03.20 *attachment / printed copy
To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.
- To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
- *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (21.01.20) (Chair).
- Public Forum (10 minutes)
The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.
In advance of the meeting – written requests for Council to consider / comment on (the Clerk has already made preliminary responses);
i permission for the memorial bench for Pat Leigh at Four Elms village pond. No request for funds.
ii Stop fishing at the pond immediately – amount of rubbish being left and dangerous parking.
iii complete obstruction of pavements by cars that are parked, not only from people that fish also from parents picking up their children. Those that walk are having to walk in the road with their children.
iv parking on double yellow lines, again mostly visiting fishermen
v speeding through the village by motorists, 2 accidents on the crossroads already this year
- Request for a fence to left hand side of Four Elms pond to deter fishermen accessing the garage site for fishing?
Items for discussion / decision;
- Resignation of Christine Thompson. Opportunity for co – option for Four Elms ward Councillor, IF no election is called by 10 electors by 27th March.
The Council to consider which networks a Cllr. could be co – opted from.
5i. *Financial update. Receipts and payments since last update & accounts and statement reconciliation (Clerk).
5ii. To consider any grant applications received. Does the Council require further information and / or wish to support the application (to what sum)?
*£ 5,000 requested for funding for our new pavilion and decking. Falconhurst Cricket Club.
- Gatwick update (SL, RBS, DL). Clerk to report back from attendance at Roundtable meeting regarding Gatwick Northern Runway Project – 19th February 2020.
Does the Council wish to comment independently of HWCAAG at this stage?
- VE DAY 75 CELEBRATIONS 8TH – 10TH MAY 2020 8th May 2020. www.veday75.org
Update on the community event at Hever Castle. JW.
- Sevenoaks District Council – Current Licensing Applications.
- 20/00566/LATEN |Temporary Event Notice | Current Licence | Malletts Barn Cowden Pound Road To Truggers Lane Mark Beech Kent TN8 5PH
- 20/00739/LAPRE |Premises Licence | Open for Consultation | Hever Hotel Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP
- 20/00749/LATENL |Late Temporary Event Notice | Current Licence | Hever Hotel Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP
- 20/00750/LATEN |Temporary Event Notice | Current Licence | Apartment 61 Hever Hotel Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP
- 20/00751/LATEN |Temporary Event Notice | Current Licence | Hever Hotel Hever Road Hever Kent TN8 7NP Hever Resort Hotel Ltd
Does the Council wish to consider or comment to SDC on any of these applications?
- Proposed footpath alterations (By Hever primary school Governors) over Hever Parish Field. Update from meeting with Chair of Governors and site visit. Consideration of the issues and costs.
- *Council for Protection of Rural England CPRE Committee – does the Council wish to nominate a Cllr. to be representative?
- 12. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (Chair)
Items for updating on / for information;
- GDPR – to update any developments or actions required.
GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018. Data protection fee renewal – ACTION REQUIRED BY 25/03/2020
Clerk proposed the setting up of a Direct Debit (£40 annual cost minus £5 discount for DD).
- Ward demographics summary
Council tax breakdown for Hever Parish for 2020 – 2021. (Clerk).
- *Planning; applications responded to and outcomes – attached to agenda.
- Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda
(not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH)
- Other correspondence for noting. This may include items from the Kent Association of Local Councils / National Association of Local Councils.
2020 Parish Council meetings
MAY 28 THURS HVH Assembly
Planning meeting 7pm, full meeting 7.30pm (unless stated otherwise)