To:       The Members of Hever Parish Council.  I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held at Markbeech Village Hall on TUESDAY 21st JANUARY 2020 commencing at 7.00pm for the transaction of business as set out below.  Planning meeting will be at 6.30pm if any applications.

Signed; Clerk             Date   16.01.20  *attachment / printed copy

To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda.
  2. *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (21.11.19) (Chair).
  3. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.


Items for discussion / decision;


  1. *History of grant funding for information.


5i.        *Financial update. Receipts and payments since last update & accounts and statement reconciliation.

5ii.       To consider any grant applications received.

*One self closing gate for footpath in Four Elms.


  1. HPC Affordable Housing Project.

To receive analysis by Sevenoaks District Council on possible rural affordable housing exception sites in the parish and update following a meeting in December between the HPC working party (Clerk, SS, CT) and English Rural Housing association.  Landowner negotiations would be the responsibility of English rural.  A period of full and comprehensive public consultations would take place before HPC consider whether to formally support the project.  Only after this time, could any planning application be considered.  Need to initially consult with KCC Highways for their guidance.


  1. Gatwick update (SL, RBS, DL)


  1. VE DAY 75 CELEBRATIONS 8TH – 10TH MAY 2020 8th May 2020.


  1. Hever Parish Field.

Pedestrian safety request from Governors to consider re-routing path from Castle coach park to Hever school – to pass in front of hut.  They have obtained quote for most of the work and able to part fund from Governors fund.






i)Kent County Council Consultations Strategic Statement – Five Year Plan.  This consultation is open from 6 Jan 2020 at 08:00 to 17 Feb 2020 at 23:59.

Does the Council wish to comment?


ii)KCC issued a press release ( advising that it has launched a Select Committee on Affordable Housing.  The select committee will gather information via hearing sessions with relevant witnesses and collect written submissions from experts and interested stakeholders.

The Terms of Reference of the Select Committee are:

1.To define and put into context affordable housing.

2.To explore KCC’s current role in supporting the development of new affordable housing in Kent.

3.To consider additional ways in which KCC can support the development of affordable housing in Kent.

If you want to send in information for the Select Committee to consider, please e-mail by Sunday 26 January.

Does the Council wish to comment?



iii)Please see the attached letter inviting you and your Parish Councillors to an important Green Belt

Manifesto meeting hosted by Halstead Green Belt Future Group on 28 January 2020 at 7:30pm at Halstead Village Hall, Knockholt Road, Halstead, Kent TN14 7EX.

Initially it is our intention that all Sevenoaks District’s Parish Councils will support, agree and adopt a common Manifesto to protect our countryside from over-development.  This Manifesto could then expand from our local District to the rest of Kent and beyond.  As more Parish Councils and other bodies adopt the Manifesto, more visibility, credibility, higher profile and influence it will gain.

We hope you will attend this meeting to evaluate, discuss and formulate a common objective to defend each of our Parish’s Green Belt.

Why not become one of the early visionary adopters to support this Manifesto and strive to protect this most important aspect of Kentish life.

We look forward to meeting you on 28 January 2020.  Halstead Green Belt Future Group

Does the Council wish to complete questionnaire / attend meeting?


  1. 11. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting (Chair)


Items for updating on / for information;

  1. GDPR – to update any developments or actions required.
  2. *Planning; applications responded to and outcomes – attached to agenda.


  1. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda

(not for decision making or with financial implications) (JH)





  1. Other correspondence for noting. This may include items from the Kent Association of Local Councils / National Association of Local Councils.
  • Thank you so much for your kind donation, we really appreciate your help towards this project. We are currently working hard to improve the outside area for the children and a Sensory Garden will really be a welcome addition for their outside learning. We will keep you up to date with our progress and if you would like to come and have a look at some stage, please let me know. Lisa Rogers, School Business Manager, Hever CE Primary School
  • Dear Charlotte, on behalf of St. Paul’s PCC may I ask that you convey are thanks and appreciation to the members of Hever PCC for their award of a Grant towards the installation of CCTV in the Church. Yours sincerely, Mary Proctor Hon Treasurer PCC St. Paul’s
  • The Clerk is in communication with Sevenoaks District Council regarding Licensing Applications – Town and Parish Councils are no longer receiving notifications of.
  • Edenbridge Health and Wellbeing Centre – public meeting on 07.02.20. Council representative will be attending.  Unfortunately, event “sold out” within 24 hours, have suggested they find larger venue.
  • Hever School – fete proposed on 04.07.2020



2020 Parish Council meetings


MONTH           DATE               DAY                 LOCATION                               EVENT

MARCH           17                    TUES                HVH                             Mtg

MAY                5                      TUES                FEVH                            Mtg / Agm

MAY                28                    THURS             HVH                             Assembly

JULY                 14                    TUES                FEVH                            Mtg

SEPT                22                    TUES                HVH                             Mtg

NOV                 26                    THURS             MBVH                          Mtg


Planning meeting 7pm, full meeting 7.30pm (unless stated otherwise)




Please note, Sevenoaks District Council ( is the planning authority.  HPC is a consultee.  Any member of the public can comment directly to SDC on a planning application.

  1. SE/20/00008/LBCALT

Land South of The Old Farmhouse, Newhouse Farm Lane, Hever, Kent

Replace existing garage doors.  Deadline 31.01.20


  1. SE/19/03494/HOUSE

The New Barn, Hever Lane TN8 7ET

Demolition of 4no outbuildings.  Erection two storey side extension.  Deadline 30.01.20