
Covering the villages of Four Elms, Hever & Markbeech

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Police Crime Commissioner to sell Edenbridge Police Station

Police Crime Commissioner to sell Edenbridge Police Station
Posted on Nov 6, 2018
Police Crime Commissioner to sell Edenbridge Police Station
‘PCC announces closure of Edenbridge Police Station. The announcement was included as one line in a press release entitled ‘Kent Police to move Deal front office’. Click here for press release. The additional information states that the police office in the High Street is to be sold as the building has not served as an operational police station for more than a decade. The town PCSOs who work at the office will, in future, be able to use the fire station in the High Street instead. Disposing of the site will save Kent Police around £22,500 a year in running costs. The money received from the sale of the building will be available in future to spend on policing.

Edenbridge Town Council is extremely disappointed and will be discussing what action to take at the Council meeting on Monday night (12 November). The Police Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott has been asked to come to Edenbridge to explain his reasons to the residents. Details of this meeting will be publicised once a reply has been received from him.

Hever Parish Council will be discussing this news at their next meeting on 21st November 7.30pm Four Elms Village Hall, all welcome.

Sevenoaks District Council’s annual Community Grants Scheme

Sevenoaks District Council’s annual Community Grants Scheme is now open for voluntary and community groups to apply. Successful applicants will receive their funding in April 2019.


Other funding advice

Voluntary and community organisations can contact the following organisations for information and advice about funding:

Grab your community grant of up to £5,000



Sevenoaks District Council is now offering grants of up to £5,000 to local voluntary and charity organisations to provide vital services that benefit the most vulnerable residents in the District.

The main aim of the Council’s Community Grant Scheme is to support volunteer-led projects that boost the health and wellbeing of people who live in the District.

Cllr Roddy Hogarth, Sevenoaks District Council Cabinet Member for Community Grants, says: “Our community grants have enabled voluntary and charitable groups the chance to improve the quality of life for many, especially our vulnerable, older and younger residents.”

“I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you are interested, or need extra advice, please do not hesitate to contact us.”

The deadline for applications for grants between £100 and £5000 is Friday 23 November. Successful applicants will receive their funding in April 2019.

Application packs are available on request by emailing grants@sevenoaks.gov.uk or by calling 01732 227000.


Saturday 22nd September
Four Elms VILLAGE HALL 8 – 9.15am then
MARKBEECH village hall 9.30 – 10.45 am
We cannot take Electrical Appliances/ Metal / Hard Core / Large Amounts of Garden Waste / Large Panes of Glass / Oil or Paint.
Please DO NOT arrive early or leave items on site, otherwise will be classed as flytipping and information passed to the police, thank you.
This is a FREE service to residents of the parish, funded by HPC.
Any queries to clerk@hever.org

delay the call, not your reactions

Kent County Council Road Safety Team Leader Vicky Harvey said: “This campaign aims to highlight to drivers that using your mobile phone hands-free is not as safe as you may think, even though its legal.

“Even an unimpaired driver travelling at 70mph will travel at least 31 metres whilst reacting in an emergency but at the drink-drive limit, due to the impairment, this extends to at least 35 metres.

“However, driving while talking on your hands-free mobile phone means you will travel at least 39 metres, a further eight metres before touching the brake pedal – that’s as long as a double decker bus.

“If it’s a hand-held phone, the impairment is even worse.

“Of course, delaying your reactions will extend your stopping distance so, working with our partners, this campaign seeks to highlight the additional risks drivers who use a mobile phone face.

“My advice is to delay the call, not your reactions.”

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