
Covering the villages of Four Elms, Hever & Markbeech

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Affordable Housing Consultation – proposal in Four Elms for affordable housing ONLY for local people.


Please see above link for information about drop-ins, consultation closes at the end of June.


14.04.21  Whilst the Affordable Housing consultation is paused…

Hever Parish Council awaits Govt. clarity regarding the holding of public meetings after 7th May.

Following the publication of a letter from the Local Government Minister saying that due to ‘a lack of parliamentary time’ and the fact this would ‘need a change in the law’ they would not be extending the ability for councils to meet virtually, even in the short term.  The irony was on the same day Parliament voted through an extension of their provision to meet remotely until the 21st June.  Needless to say, local government is up in arms, the Prime Ministers own Roadmap would make it impossible for large physical meetings to take place.  In the letter to local government leaders saying the rules won’t be extended, in the passage regarding the need for meetings to be ‘open’ to the public, the letter suggests that we should keep that virtual until 21st June.  However, all is not lost, legal action is being taken and Leaders are pushing local MPs to apply pressure on the government to have a rethink.

There is an application by Hertfordshire County Council, Lawyers in Local Government and Association of Democratic Services Officers to the court for a declaration. This will continue despite the government’s decision and is expected to be determined before the end of April.




Any further updates will be placed here on the website.

March FAQ


FAQ March 2021 final



Affordable housing consultation – Frequently asked Questions.  Feb 2021

The consultation is paused until 1st May 2021 to provide more information and time.  If you have a query which is not answered by the attachment below, then please contact the Clerk (clerk@hever.org) who will continue to provide information.

HPC will continue to update the website with further information and plans for May onwards and how to submit comments (from May).

FAQ Feb 2021final



Hever Parish Council have agreed to a Proposal from the Clerk to pause the affordable housing public consultation – until 1st May 2021.  There will be further information posted on the website (www.hever.org) shortly and another call for sites undertaken across the parish during the whole of February.


All feedback received to date will be retained and incorporated into the evidence going forward.

The Council would like to thank all those who have engaged in the consultation to date and subject to national guidance, hope that discussions can continue (including in public), in a balanced and respectful manner.


Please see www.hever.org or noticeboards across the parish for further information – including details on the call for sites process, regional affordable housing guides, frequently asked questions etc.  

The planned zoom sessions on 26th and 30 th will no longer be taking place.  Events and guidance on how to engage with the consultation (to re start from 1st May) will be released nearer the date. 


HPC Public Consultation Event Handout final


Frequently asked questions – uploaded 18.01.21 FAQ January 2021

How can I comment?

You have a month to comment (deadline 14th February) so no rush and lots of different ways to comment (to suit your style);


Hever Parish Council are required (by Sevenoaks District Council) to undertake a Housing needs survey every 5 years.  This was done (independently) in 2018 – you may remember getting a survey in the post, but totally understand that it was a long time ago and you may not have been interested in responding.  It was also advertised widely (on all noticeboards, Link magazine, Facebook, plastic banners etc.).  We have been considering the responses to that survey and investigating possible solutions to the issues raised – lack of affordable housing to rent, particularly smaller properties, for local people.  There is only site in the parish that is available for consideration (everything else was either not in a suitable location or landowner chose not to).  Now we want to provide locals with lots of opportunities to hear about the proposals and ask questions to Hever Parish Council (and English Rural Housing Association on the 20th) and for locals to be able to comment in lots of different ways (online survey, by email, leaflets delivered to households in Four Elms etc.).

Please note this is a consultation and opportunity to ask questions which we hope will be of interest, NOT a planning application.  This is because the parish council want your views.

The Parish Council won’t own the land or housing or have any financial interest or risk in the scheme whatsoever.

Please see lots of information on www.hever.org and join a zoom meeting if you have queries, before you comment and advise the Clerk if you need any assistance in submitting comments etc.   We are holding zoom meetings daytime, weekend and early evening to try to make it as accessible for everyone as we are unfortunately unable to hold public meetings and unlikely to do so for quite some time due to covid.  If none of these dates or time are convenient, please contact the Clerk who will happily arrange another time to answer your queries.

The deadline for comments is 14th February – so we hope that gives everyone lots of time to study the proposals.

Please do contribute to the consultation – your view is important!  Thank you.


Please see the one click links for zoom meetings below.  You do not need to download / install any apps.  If you wish to submit any questions in advance, please email clerk@hever.org


Wednesday 20th  January 10am – midday (English Rural Housing Association will also be present to answer queries)

Join Zoom Meeting



Tuesday 26th January 3- 5pm (Clerk and Councillors will be present to answer any questions)

Join Zoom Meeting



Saturday 30th January 4 – 6pm (Clerk and Councillors will be present to answer any questions)

Join Zoom Meeting






Hever Parish Council 7th January 2021 meeting 7pm Planning 7.30pm Full meeting


To:   The Members of Hever Parish Council.  I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held by ZOOM on 7th JANUARY 2021 commencing at 7pm for PLANNING AND 7.30 pm for FULL MEETING; transaction of business as set out below.



Meeting ID: 924 0074 2780                                                                Passcode: 255882


Signed;      Clerk              Date   02.01.21   *attachment


To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.  * indicates attachment (please contact the Clerk if not received).

Please note the adopted procedure for virtual meetings (2020).

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified

on the agenda (Chair).


  1. *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (26.11.20) (Chair).


  1. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

Items for discussion / decision;


  1. To note confirmation of tax base from SDC – Hever tax base has reduced by 0.32%. Propose we continue with the precept proposal of £ 41,300 (reduction of £221 from this year) which will mean that a Band D household will pay £66.75 for 21 – 22 (marginally down from £66.89 this year) (Chair).


  1. Affordable Housing in the Parish – at the invitation of HPC, Alison Thompson,

Deputy Development Director, English Rural Housing Association will present on the

project to date, having worked with HPC committee (Clerk, SS, AH) for ~ 3 years, in

advance of the imminent public consultation.


  1. GDPR – to update any developments or actions required.
  2. To determine matters arising from the previous minutes for updating / noting


  1. 8. Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future

agenda (not for decision or with financial implication).

  1. Consultations / Other Correspondence.





Please note, Sevenoaks District Council (www.sevenoaks.gov.uk) is the planning authority.  HPC is a consultee.  Any member of the public can comment directly to SDC on a planning application.  See;  http://hever.org/what-powers-does-hever-parish-council-have-in-planning-applications


HPC Councillors have the responsibility as individual committee members to have studied application documents prior to the meeting to enable input and worthwhile discussion to form a consensus.



  1. 20/03557/FUL High Buckhurst Cowden Pound Road to Truggers

Lane Mark Beech KENT TN8 5NS

Change of use of a strip of woodland to Markbeech Nursery School.  Monday to Friday 35 weeks of the year. Confirmation of moveable shepherd’s hut for this area.

N.B. The Clerk has received communication for and against this application and will read these out at the meeting.



  1. 20/03667/FUL Falconhurst, Cowden Pound Road, Mark Beech, Kent


Proposal Change of use from redundant stables to 2 bed residential

holiday cottage




20/03639/AGRNOT Land South of Clinton Wood Clinton Lane Bough Beech KENT

Development: Proposed new building replaces existing smaller farm buildings and yard

(3No.) on the same site. The building is required for general purpose storage of hay,

straw, machinery and grain, and will also have use as loose housing for cattle from time

to time.


19/02474/FUL Proposal: Conversion of redundant agricultural Buildings to form 9 new residential units. Demolition of outbuildings. Landscaping works with new access and access alterations. Location: Claydene Farm, Hartfield Road, Cowden KENT TN8 7HF (HPC previously commented).

Hever Parish Council meeting Thursday 26th November via zoom

7 pm Planning meeting

7.30pm Full Council meeting


To:   The Members of Hever Parish Council.  I hereby summon you to attend the meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held by ZOOM on 26TH NOVEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.30 pm for the transaction of business as set out below.


Signed;      Clerk              Date   19.11.20   *attachment


Meeting ID: 957 5390 9251                                           Passcode: 109587

To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.  * indicates attachment (please contact the Clerk if not received).

Please note the adopted procedure for virtual meetings (2020).

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda (Chair).
  1. *To approve the accuracy of draft Minutes of the previous meeting (22.09.20 & 29.09.20) (Chair).
  1. Public Forum (10 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

Items for discussion / decision;

4i.     *Financial update. Receipts and payments since last update & accounts and statement reconciliation (Clerk).

 4ii.   * Budget setting for 1st April 2021 – 31st March 2022.  To consider recommendations from finance Committee (JH, AH, JW, Clerk) and approval or amendment.  See attachment.  In summary – proposal to reduce precept request by 0.5%.  Budget to be decided at the latest at January 2021 meeting.

  1. To consider any grant applications received.
  • 5i) Request from member of public in Four Elms (who self-organised and funded a pumpkin trail for local children) – for provision of prizes (to the max value of £120) to run a socially distanced Christmas equivalent in the village with chocolate “prize”.
  • 5ii) To underwrite (£500) drive in carol singing event at Hever Castle Golf club (live streamed to homes) – HRA / Church / locals.
  • *5iii) HRA – £ 5,000 towards refurbishment of Hever village hall
  1. Hever central parking (JW). To discuss problems and potential solutions.
  2. Four Elms recreation ground – request from school to install green matting

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extraordinary meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held by ZOOM on 29th SEPTEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.00

To:   The Members of Hever Parish Council.  I hereby summon you to attend the extraordinary meeting of Hever Parish Council to be held by ZOOM on 29th SEPTEMBER 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm for the transaction of business as set out below.



The Chairman has called this meeting following LGA 1972 Sch 12, paras 9 & 25.


Signed;      Clerk              Date   24.09.20  

To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, please contact the Clerk in advance of the meeting if further factual information is required on an item on the Agenda.

Please note the adopted procedure for virtual meetings (2020).

  1. To receive apologies and declarations of interest in respect of business specified on the agenda (Chair).
  2. Public Forum (5 minutes)

The Council will receive statements and questions from the public (this is the only opportunity for members of the public to make a contribution during the meeting) and for members with pecuniary interests to speak on items on the Agenda.

Items for discussion / decision;


  1. Councillor vacancy. Four Elms ward vacancy (Clerk / Chair). Those

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Topic: Hever Parish Council planning meeting Sept 2020 Time: Sep 8, 2020 07:00 PM

Topic: Hever Parish Council planning meeting Sept 2020

Time: Sep 8, 2020 07:00 PM London


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 989 1090 0902

Passcode: 404664

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,98910900902#,,,,,,0#,,404664# US (New York)

+16699006833,,98910900902#,,,,,,0#,,404664# US (San Jose)


Agenda (to be confirmed on 04.09) to include;



20/02266/FUL Hillside Uckfield Lane Hever KENT



20/02255/HOUSE How Green South How Green Lane Hever KENT



20/02058/HOUSE 2 Crouch Cottage Uckfield Lane Hever KENT



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